"Watch your step, and make sure not to make eye contact if you see a human. If one seems to be getting aggressive towards you, it is best to act submissive. Lay down and show your belly, they aren't likely to attack you if you do that."
"Would you often consider the humans to be.... Aggressive?"
Dr. Krill nods at the camera, "Sometimes, it is very unpredictable with humans." he walks up the ramp of the ship and prepares to open the bay doors. The camera crew follows behind with apprehension as the bay doors open to a dim interior.
They make it past the airlock and into a large deserted room stacked with crates and boxes. The camera pans around clearly searching for a human though they don't find anything in the deserted hallway. Crew leader Tesraki Mendex walks out into the empty room and looks around frowning, "Well, I don't seem to see any humans.... The audience should know at this point what while I have seen humans at a distance, I have never actually met one myself, this is just as exciting for me as it is for some of you." He turned to look at the doctor, "Where ARE the humans."
The little doctor shakes his head and shrugs before pausing, "Sorry, I am in the habit of communicating with humans non-verbally. What I mean is that, I don't know and it very much depends, they could be.....anywhere." With that thought, the rest of the crew looks around nervously as if expecting to find a human climbing the walls or watching them from atop one of the stacks of crates.
Krill motions them to follow, "We will probably run into some of the humans eventually, might as well follow me."
The crew does as told panning their cameras around nervously.
Mendex walks just behind the doctor, "Now.... how will we know when we are close, what are the immediate signs of human presence."
The doctor turns to look at him, "It depends."
"Depends on what."
"Weather or not the human WANTS you to know if it is there or not."
"How about you, how close do you think the humans are too us?" Mendex begins doing his best to sound more excited than scared, which though he is honestly scared out of his mind This is the most uncontrolled environment he had ever been in, and he didn't particularly enjoy it.
This better get him good ratings.
"Well I would wager to say that one of them is about twenty feet away." The little Vrul said pleasantly.
"And how do you wager that." They wonder glancing to the walls on either side of them.
"Because I have eyes." He stated motions very pointedly towards the back of the group. Cameras jerk and pan wildly to face down the halt. An audible gasp rises up from the crew who scamper backwards nervously.
"Dr.... Dr what do we do."
"Everyone hold still right where you are. Do not back up, do not turn around, and do not run away. Humans are preditors, so running away will activate their natural instinct to make chase. Just hold your ground relax and try not to look nervous. They can sense fear."
The group grows very still.
"Look at that." Mendex whispers from where he is hiding behind doctor Krill, "Zoom in on that."
Camera shaking, the crew does as told bringing the human at the far end of the hall into sharp relief.
"Wow, just look at it." The camera zooms in a little further, "I don't know how much you can all tell from what you see on the camera, but the human, he is at least one and a half of my height two or three heads taller than I am, absolutely gorgeous, just look at the way he balances on two legs, no tail, no nothing....."
Empyrean Iris Story Collection
Science-FictionA growing collection of Humans are Space Orcs stories that details the adventures of Dr. Krill, Adam Vir, Sunny, and other crew members of the harbinger as they fight to explore deep space.