Commander Vir stood at the helm of his ship hands clasped gently behind his back single eye staring outwards and into the blackness of space cold and focused.
Well, perhaps not completely black. The Deep Space Galactic Penal Detention Center sat at the forefront of his vision. So deep in the vastness of space near nothing and no one, it was difficult to fathom the absolute isolation in which these prisoners existed. In all the galaxy it was most known for its miles and miles of maximum security isolation cells housing the GA's most dangerous criminals, and only recently, for the housing of its most dangerous human prisoners.
Of course, General GA policy, supported by the UNSC, prohibited the use of solitary confinement on human subjects due to the severe and negative psychological effects it was proven to cause. And as a Rundi run prison, the rules and regulations were sure to be followed to the letter. However, even the UNSC and by extension the GA had to admit that there were a few human subjects too dangerous to subject even to other prisoners.
A soft set of footsteps cut into his thought process, and a looming figure paused at his back.
He knew her without even having to look, and A dulled smile tugged at one corner of his mouth, and, as if in response he was rewarded with a soft hum.
"This is hardly the place for humor." He commented wryly turning to face her. Sunny stood a few feet to his back half in and half out of shadow, her blue carapace gently kissed by the incoming ambient light form the view outside, "Something on your mind?" He wondered
She shook her head and shrugged large golden eyes tilting to watch him more intently, "I was just thinking how far you've come."
A raised eyebrow, "And what is that supposed to mean?" He wondered.
She stepped out of her pool of shadow and came to lean on the back of the captains chair staring out into the darkness. He couldn't help but notice just how much her body language seemed to scream HUMAN these days, "Once upon a time you looked uncomfortable in that uniform, you weren't sure you were ready to be commander. And now look at you."
He allowed the smile to tug, again, wryly at the corners of his mouth as he walked to stand next to her, "Perhaps I'm just very good at faking." His expression grew serious then, "Now my station means taking care of this Issue." He nodded towards the unlit prison station.Sunny thundered low in her throat causing his ribs and chest to rattle with the power, "How did he manage to do it?"
The commander shook his head slowly, "Honestly.... I have no idea."
"Want me to get the marines ready?"
"You read my mind. Tell the boys and girls to suit up for a full tactical breach, two teams inside with us, and two teams on the outside just in case. Get Cannon to take care of them. I want Krill and Conn with us on the entry."
Another low hum, "Yes, sir."
"Nothing, I like it when you get all authoritative on me." She teased heading towards the door.
"Ah can it you big beetle." He muttered softly, the same smile still playing over his face as she left.
"Approaching target 5 knots 45 degrees on entry, over." Adam flew primarily by the ambient light of the universe tracking the other ships on his radar as they moved around to their positions. Sunny sat in the back with the marines watching as her human companions readied themselves for the boarding. Sunny wasn't human, and so had never experienced the sensation that humans called 'intuition', but even she wasn't clueless enough to miss that they were walking into a very serious situation.

Empyrean Iris Story Collection
Science FictionA growing collection of Humans are Space Orcs stories that details the adventures of Dr. Krill, Adam Vir, Sunny, and other crew members of the harbinger as they fight to explore deep space.