Report ID 2241567
Author Krill
I have seen.....something that I cannot.... un-see.... horrible.... Terrible. Yesterday, it was my duty as a doctor, I helped deliver a human larvae six pounds five ounces, a boy, and I have.... No words.
Why does everything about the human race have to be so horrible and bloody?
1. You should first know that the human mother carries her children internally, usually one at a time, though in VERY rare cases it has gone up to 8. Humans do not lay eggs, so giving birth is live, and due to their head size, the humans are born underdeveloped to allow for head growth after birth. The process of human pregnancy is.... weird.
a. The larvae stars out as a bundle of cells that grows up inside a specialized sack within the woman's pelvic bowl.
b. As it grows it, forces the woman to gain weight
c. It controls her mind convincing her she needs certain foods over others
d. It makes her extremely sensitive to smell causing her to grown nauseous at certain foods, or in the mornings.
e. It sucks nutrients from her body like a parasite feeding on her nourishment to grow. It will take most of what she eats causing problems for her as the pregnancy continues.
i. What I am trying to say is this thing is a parasite.... You can't even argue, human larvae grow like tiny grubs of doom out to eat the nutrients away from your body like a tape worm. Human children are like tapeworms that you passed and then insisted on keeping
f. If she does absolutely anything wrong, she could potentially kill it or cause it to be deformed, so say goodbye to all of the things that humans love to do. Yes you are giving up your hobbies for a f***** parasite.
g. Human women become increasingly unable to bend down and pick things up, but YAY for them there is a small notch in their spine that keeps them from falling over HOW LUCKY. *sarcasm if you couldn't tell
h. The woman needs to pee more because guess what! As the larvae grows it pushes her innards upwards into her lungs and downwards onto her bladder because FUCK your internal organs, it's not like you need those anyway.
i. Because it doesn't want you to die with dignity, if you have organ damage, it will send its own growth cells to keep you alive so it can continue to feed off of you like the nightmare it is.
2. Yay, labor..... NOT!!!!! Welcome to a stew of INFECTION and PAIN where you will scream yourself horse and probably shat yourself in the process.... In front of other people.
a. You will lose your dignity.
b. You will scream until you have no voice left.
c. The baby might just break your pelvis, and it doesn't do that, the other humans will have to cut you open and pull it out through the belly like some monstrous xenomorph bent on making your life a living horror show. Enjoy seeing your innards on your outside.
d. Some weirdo will get to stare at your privates for, possibly, up to eighteen hours or more.
e. You're not allowed to pass out.
f. And just to add insult to injury the little monster will make YOU push it out because F*** you that's why, it's not like you haven't done enough already. Oh and on its way out it may just give you the parting gift of ripping your privates open.
i. Have I mentioned that the size of a baby's head is about the size of a grapefruit, and the exit hole is about the size of a quarter or a bit larger.... Like who in the hell designed that.
3. And then afterwards you are just supposed to accept that everything is alright between the two of you, in fact, the creature will.
a. Force you to love it so excessively that you will kill people to protect it
b. Clean up its many numerous excretions
c. Pay thousands of dollars to own it
d. Allow it to continue sucking nutrients from you because it's to helpless and useless to actually be useful.
e. Its only way of communicating is to scream at you until your eyeballs rupture and drip out of your anus.
f. And it may not even love you back when this is all said and done.
4. It is a wonder this species have survived, but of course this tiny creature of death grows to become a fully formed human, the greatest apex predator in the galaxy.
5. And at the end of the day the humans survive, because adult humans will, tear down cities, destroy armies, run thousands of miles, torture, murder, crawl through broken glass, sacrifice themselves, and walk through fire.
6. No force in the galaxy can stop a human fighting for their offspring. I beg the council on my knees, that if you ever decide to war with the humans, you will leave their larvae alone. For if you injure one, you will be signing your death warrant.
Empyrean Iris Story Collection
Science FictionA growing collection of Humans are Space Orcs stories that details the adventures of Dr. Krill, Adam Vir, Sunny, and other crew members of the harbinger as they fight to explore deep space.