They've said, since the beginning, that humans are the species with the greatest disconnect from their own bodies. They malfunction constantly like machines despite being one of the most complex and dangerous organisms in the galaxy. I would say, it is almost as if they are machines who experience occasional glitches in their code, and all of this programming happens while their higher functioning struggles to communicate with the deeper functioning.
As I have said before, humans are one of the only species in the galaxy to experience these issues, at least to that extent. And they all share these experiences.I find, the best way to get humans together, is to sit them down and let them explain to you why having a human body is the worst.
A lot of these issues humans are about to explain may not even be glitches, but particular situations which annoy them greatly, and they all have in common. It is very hard to keep humans on topic when you ask them a question.
Ok ok, but have you ever experienced that thing where you suddenly realize that you exist. Like you look at your hands and your all like, wow I am a thing that exists and thinks and stuff, and it totally trips you out Like seriously, no one does this. No one in the galaxy ever sits there and has an existential crisis about the fact that they exist and are a THING. It must be so hard to be a human constantly having issues all the time I got one for you. Like how you walk into one room to grab something, forget what you wanted to grab and then walk out then realize what you wanted to grab just when you make it to the opposite end of your house and then have to go back and get it because you suddenly remembered. My brother says that's just god playing sims and he just canceled your action Well let's talk about the biggest issues, like how your foot falls asleep, and hen as you wake it up it feels like your foot is full of TV static, and then if you say anything, everyone in the room wants to come over and poke you, and it's horrible. Ok does any of this just sound ridiculous to you. How can you FEEL static. This is so far beyond the level of my comprehension that I don't even know what they are talking about. In fact, I am pretty sure that they just made this one up to mess with me.No no, I got one. How about when you stand up from laying down and you vision goes black and you almost pass out. Yeah no, I know what you mean. I fell over once because I was so dizzy I had a friend that would just go right ahead and pass out.I come to learn that the human body is such a disaster that, sometimes the body cannot adjust the blood pressure fast enough to get blood to the brain when moving from a horizontal to a vertical causing loss of blood to the brain. These creatures can be struck by lightning, and have their limbs ripped off, but ask them to stand up after sitting down for a long time and you may just be asking too much. Have you ever totally spaced out while driving your car or something and then once you reach your destination, you realize that you don't remember driving there. Just a reminder that these people are flying spaceships We give them licenses, and they can't even remember flying them. Just saying..... Just saying.Ho about when you bite your own tongue or cheek on accident. I mean seriously, and it's always out of nowhere. Like I've used my mouth for over 30 years and all of a sudden it forgets that I have a tongue in here. Like its stupid.How about when you dream about having to pee really bad, and then you wake up and realize that you have to pee really bad. I had a cousin who peed himself because of that. Never lived it down.Ah and here they are without the ability to control their own bladders. Isn't it lovely.My favorite is when your brain thinks to fast for your mouth so you end up getting your words mixed up, like big truck turns into trig buck, and then you have to sit there and suffer while your brain tries to figure out what happened. Oh oh, so you know how eyelashes are supposed to protect your eyes from getting things in them, but every time I have something in my eye it is ALWAYS an eyelash. I had a cousin who had that problem, accept it was with his eyebrows.... Yeah it was really weird, he had to shave his eyebrows daily. Seriously dude, you have the weirdest cousins.Have I mentioned that I think the human body is an absolute engineering disaster. Like seriously the fact that they are one of the most powerful species in the galaxy has to be some sort of cosmic joke. All of you are wrong, the worst thing about the human body is the pinky toe. I mean think about it. It has the highest likelihood of getting itself smashed run into or run over, and yet when you do it it is the singular most painful thing in the universe. Forget about childbirth or getting kicked in the balls, I think all of humanity can agree that stubbing your little toe really hard has only one plausible reaction.... The sudden and irrevocable desire for the sweet release of death.Did i mention that humans are aggressively melodramatic? No.... well exhibit A Ok maybe this is too much information, but do any of you have this thing, where your body is so conditioned to seeing a bathroom that when you really need to pee and you walk into a bathroom your body is like ah, yes I can SEE a toilet therefore it must be fine to go NOW. And you have to like double over to avoid peeing yourself IN THE BATHROOM thus increasing the time exponentially until you really CAN pee. I mean like seriously hold on for literally five seconds bitch. Anyone.... anyone .... No.... just me.
Again, as I was saying. The human body is an absolute disaster. No one else has these problems, not even close.
Sometimes I don't know if my humans are having a stroke or not because they just start talking funny and it's completely normal. Or how I think they are dying when they stub their toes, but sometimes when they get shot or have other massive injuries THEY DON"T NOTICE. Is anyone else here seeing an issue? Like maybe two of those things need to switch real quick.
I mean seriously....

Empyrean Iris Story Collection
Science FictionA growing collection of Humans are Space Orcs stories that details the adventures of Dr. Krill, Adam Vir, Sunny, and other crew members of the harbinger as they fight to explore deep space.