This is War

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"Commander, the Burg have broken through the defense Nexus and are making siege on the Gromm homeworld. We have sent ships to supplement them, but we won't be able to last much longer. How soon can you arrive.?"

"Immediately chairwoman. Give me the change to mobilize the fleet, and we will come drop in to assist. Have some of your your cruisers sent in with shield generators. We would be more combat effective, if all our time was not spent in maneuvers."

"It will be done commander."

"One more thing, chairwoman."

"Yes commander."

"Get me a forward report of battle progress, I want numbers, estimates, power outputs, weapons, anything you can give me, I want to know about it."

"You will have it, Commander."

The hologram disappeared, and Commander Vir pointed to one of the communications specialists, "You, get the fleet online, immediately."

"Yes sir."

There was a moment of verbal silence as the room was filled with the distant clattering of feet thundering through the lower decks preparing for battle stations.

Four young soldiers sat in the corner of the room wide eyed and nervously watching the proceedings unfold as their insides churned.

What a day to be a new recruit.

Bright blue light erupted around the room, and fifteen figures stepped out of the ether in various stages of wakefulness and or dress.

"Commander." One of the men Said salluting, he was older maybe in his early to mid fifties though he looked better than a lot of men twice his age

"Captain Eklend, Koslov, Ho, Silva, Bassi, you five are active?"

"Yes, Sir." They chorused

"What this is about?"

"War, Captain, The Burg have perpetrated an act of war against the GA. You five are needed immediately with my ship on the front line. The rest of you, prepare yourselves for standby. I don't want to put all my eggs in one basket."

"An act of war!"

"Yes ,they are attempting to invade the Gromm homeworld."

"What reason could they have-"

"Their reasons don't matter for now. For the moment we focus on providing support to the Gromm and the GA. Have your crews ready as soon as possible, and initiate an instant warp. I know it will be rough on the coolant systems, but if you back charge that energy into the rail guns and cannons, that we should be able to arrive prepared. I want jets ready to provide in-atmosphere air support if necessary and as instantly as possible. Am I understood."

"Yes, sir."

"Alert me as soon as you are ready, and make it quick. My people will have the coordinates to yours immediately "

"Yes, Commander/" Fifteen salutes, and fifteen holograms gone dark.

Commander Vir turned to the bridge crew, "Prepare for an instant warp, like I was saying before, make sure you back charge the rail guns with the excess energy put off by the core. We don't want to smoke ourselves out with the heat."

Turning, he took a seat in his chair, and despite his clothing, a star-wars T-shirt and a pair of heelies, no one would have assumed he was anything other than the commander. A door clattered behind them, and the small blue Drev from earlier burst through the door and ran across the deck to her seat.

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