Hypothetical Tasks 1: Otohiko Meichi

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"Uh... Yeah, you can help me with something... Some people tell me that I'm too feminine but I'm not sure what exactly they're talking about. Like... Is it the way I look? How I walk? Does it look like I wear makeup? They never specify! I thought I was a pretty average guy but I guess I give off the wrong impression. I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea so do you think you can ask around and see how I can change my appearance?..."

--Otohiko wants to change his look to appear more masculine. Will you accept the task?--

"You will?! The people who usually target me for it are those guys in the Sports Club. Well, mainly the orange-haired scary one but I'm sure they all do. Ask them. Don't say that I asked, okay?"
--After completing the task--
"Really? That's it? I'm not sure about my skin but I'll figure it out. I'll try it out tomorrow and see how things change. Thank you so much! Hey, I know the nurse's office like the back of my hand. The nurse just lets me take things right out of the cabinet since I'm here all the time! If you need medicines and stuff, let me know. I'll get it for you."

The Sports Clubs' response:

--"Aw, you mean that pink-haired first-year? I don't see anything wrong with him! Well, his hair's a little long... I guess maybe a shorter hairstyle? If he's not attached to it, he should cut it."
--"Oh, I saw him before! There's nothing really to say about his appearance... But he walks with a slouch. That's really not good for his back!"
--"Hm... Pink-haired first-year... Oh. Does that guy wear makeup? His cheeks are always so rosy... If he wants to look more masculine, that should be something he should fix."
--"There's nothing he can do about that tiny body of his but he should at least act like there's nothing wrong with him. Just walk with confidence, you know?"
--"Ugh, oh my god, I hate that guy! I've seen the way that he runs, are you trying to look fucking weak?! I could care less about anything else he does but if I ever catch him running like that again..."

Otohiko runs onto the campus, ditching the way he previously runs with how other male students do. He has a stylized short haircut. His skin is less flushed, he possibly found a way to cover it. Once he changes his shoes, he walks to class with a confident pose.

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