Removing Info-chan

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Here's an idea I had ever since Info-chan was introduced into the game. I always thought that Info-chan didn't make sense in the grand scheme of things. Someone so untouchable that the Headmaster literally can't do anything about her. Someone that knows everyone's schedules, secrets, etc. It kinda bothers me.
Not to mention she's not really a character to me. Just a tool. Unless she's some secret final boss of the game, I don't see the point.

I know that technically, Info-chan is an optional help system for the player. We don't have to use her if we don't want to. I think there's even an ending planned where Info-chan is never used. But still, she's almost too convenient.

Instead of having this one character have all this power and influence in the school, break it up into multiple characters.

Instead of "Info Points" and "Panty Shots", have each student have something they desire and that can be payment. It can be money, owing Ayano a favor, giving her items, etc.

How will Ayano know who the next rival is going to be?

She's a stalker. She can't go a day without seeing Senpai/Taro once. She can find out on her own who the next rival can be. Like so:

Taro is walking around, clearly depressed. Ayano is not that far away, hiding in plain sight. In Ayano's perspective, she sees a girl walking in his direction. The girl stops, noticing her senpai. Ayano begins listening in.
Rival questions if he's okay. Taro confides in her what happened in the last week. Rival attempts to comfort him. They leave together. Ayano, furious at her new completion, take a picture of the rival.
She returns home, placing the picture on her corkboard.

"I knew she looked familiar... Looks like I have to hold off on confessing to Senpai yet again..."

Contraband: Umeji Kizuguchi

To make Umeji more delinquent-esque, he can be in control of the flow of contraband in the school. Akademi is a very prestigious school after all. It'd be shocking if some students didn't need something to get them through the school day.

At three random points (before school, during lunch, and after school before club activities) during the school day, Umeji breaks off from the group and leans on the wall in an area with extremely low foot traffic. The occasional student will arrive, looking around nervously before approaching Umeji, they'll hand him money, he'll given them the item, then the student will leave the area.

To access contraband, Umeji will require a favor. Example:

"Huh? Pfft... As if I'm just going to trust you. Who's to say you won't report me? How about this? There's someone who owes me money. Tried to be nice, gave her something with the promise of payment later... Now, she's avoiding me. I would have sent one of the boys but we're this close to being expelled and we're trying to lay low. Get that money back and you'll have access to my store."

Completion: "You got it? Nice! Damn, I should have charged interest... Well, regardless, you're now welcome to purchase anything from my shop."

Interact -->Shop

Any Interaction After: "What's it today?"
Purchase: "Don't get caught with that."
Waiting: *looks at nails* "I don't even have that much. Hurry up."

*If Ayano is already a delinquent, she will automatically have access to the store with reduced prices.

"Step outside, have a smoke. Feel the stress melt away as you're one step closer to nicotine addiction."
*Can be used in favors or pinning on a rival. Ayano can smoke to regain some sanity.

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