Valentine's Day special

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Skye was sitting in her puphouse with happy feeling about todays day, 'cause it was Valentines Day. The day which was filled by love and Skye finally completed her courage bar to ask out the pup of her dreams: Chase. The gift for him was a toy puppy coloured in blue and pink and had a sign: "You and me". It took 3 days to find all materials to create this amazing present and Skye couldn't be prouder. So she took her present by her teeth, exited her puphouse and decided to look for Chase. It was sunny and snowy day in Adventure bay, but due to the todays holiday, pups were free from missions so she decided to look for him in the Lookout. When Skye entered inside she saw Ryder and Rubble who were talking a nap after snowball fight.

Skye: Psst, Ryder!

Ryder (wakes up): Huh, what? Oh hey Skye. What do you (yawns) want?

Skye: I need to find Chase. Where is he?

Ryder: I don't know and so does Rubble, but when we were entering the Lookout we saw him talking with Zuma and Marshall at outside of Lookout.

Skye: Thanks Ryder.

Skye exited the lookout and went to Zuma and Marshall who were playing tug-o-war while Everest and Rocky cheered for both of them.

Skye: Hi guys!

Marshall: Hey Sky- Woah! (flies away a little and lands on his back). I'm OK.

Everest (giggles): Oh Marsh. Let me help you.

Zuma: So what do you want?

Skye: I need to find Chase, but I don't know where he is.

Rocky: Why you didn't ask Ryder?

Skye: Ryder told me that Chase was talking with you when he was entering the Lookout.

Zuma: I can say that he is here. Not with us of course, but he went to our playground to do some stuff.

Skye: Thanks Zuma. I'll go to check on him.

Everest: Brrr. it's getting colder isn't it?

Ryder (through pup-pad): Pups! Hurry to your puphouses. The snowstorm is coming. Don't worry, your puphouses won't fly away.

All pups except Skye ran to their puphouses, Everest was running with Marshall. This sudden movement caused Skye to stop.

Skye: Where are you going?

Marshall: There's a snowstorm coming! Quickly to your puphouse!

Skye: But Chase!

Everest: He will be alright.

Unfortunatelly for Skye a snowstrom has arrived just when all pups locked their puphouses and now she was getting colder and visibility was very low. Not knowing what to do she ran to the playground and found a hole in a tree, but cold wind and snow catched her even there. Skye thought that she will freeze to death, when suddenly she heard a door open, above her. It was Chase who saw her and dropped a ladder.

Chase: Skye! Climb aboard! I will get you. Don't worry!

Skye: C-c-c-com-m-m-ming.

Slowly but confidently Skye started climbing to Chase, who then took her paw, got her in and closed the door. It was Chases special tree house which he prepared for Valentines Day and planned to surprise Skye by it. When two pups got inside Chase noticed that Skye was shaking very much and grabbed a blanket. Then he covered Skye in blanket, carefully took it by teeth and carried her to bean bags, in front of which he put two bowls with hot cacao. Chase carefully laid Skye on pink beanbag laid himself on blue beanbag and covered himself and Skye by one blanket. 1 minute later Skye stopped shaking from cold.

Chase: Are you alright?

Skye: Y-yeah. I-i'm fine. 

Chase: What you were doing? Didn't Ryder tell you about snowstorm?

Skye: He did, but I was too focused on one thing.

Chase: Which thing?

Skye: F-f-finding you (blushes).

Chase: Me?

Skye: Yes. It's Valentine's Day today and... I wanted to give you a present (looks around and gasps). Oh no. Where is it? Looks like I lost it on playground.

Chase: You mean (pulls out a blue and pink puppy) this one?

Skye (smiles): There it is! But... save it for yourself (blushes again).

Chase (blushes): Why?

Skye (smiles): Silly. Did you hear what I said before?

Chase: That today is Valentine's Day (realizes something). Wait!

Skye: Yes, it's my present for you.

Chase (hugs her): Thank you. Aaand, this tree house... it is also my present. I... wanted to invite you there to watch the sunset and drink some cocoa. But things went different as you see.

Skye (hugs him and licks his cheek): Awww Chase. That's so sweet!

Chase: But not as sweet as this.

Skye: Wha- 

Chase leaned in and kissed Skye, which she happily accepted. While doing it they hugged each other tighter and kept doing it even when they stopped kissing.

Chase: I... I love you Skye. The kiss should make you understand this.

Skye: I love you too Chase (nuzzles his chest). And you made this day even more special not only by surpsise and confession.

Chase (giggles): I'm curious why?

Skye (nuzzling his chest): Remember the mission when I got lost in woods near Jakes mountain last winter?

Chase (nuzzles her head): Of course I do. I was so worried about you.

Skye (nuzzling his chest): Well, you repeated the same thing again. Winter, I got lost, bad weather, you found me.

Chase (nuzzling her head): Heh. What a twist.

Skye (nuzzling his chest): It makes me feel safe when I'm near you. And I want to say thank you for this, by giving my heart to you.

Chase (nuzzling her head): I accept your gratidude (kisses her head). Now let's drink the cocoa, before it will get cold.

They stopped hugging and laid on beanbags in another poisition to drink still hot cocoa more comfortable and while drinking Skye looked at Chase who was drinking his cocoa slowly and laid her head on his neck. Chase noticed this and smiled: she feels really safe when he's near her. So he moved carefully to lay Skye on his back and moved her bowl with cocoa for comfortable drinking.

Skye (nuzzling his neck): Happy Valentine's Day Chasey. It's the best way to celebrate it, especially when you're with me.

Chase: Happy Valentines Day Skye. And yeah, same here.

After drinking the cocoa Chase rolled over so Skye was on top of him laying on his stomach, put the blanket over themselfes and pulled her closer to himself, which she gladly accepted. That's how they stayed in their tree house during snowstorm, feeling safe and happy with each other. The end!

THAT'S THE VALENTINES DAY ONE-SHOT END! HOPE YOU WILL LIKE IT! And I want to say a big thanks to Amazing_Writers_06 for making AMAZING covers for my two books. Also I want to ask you a question, but I'm kinda scared: Can you make covers to my other books? Answer me please. See you soon and HAPPY VALENTINES DAY )))))

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