Saved by love

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Thanks to ParimalamRajendran for idea!

Ryder and pups were searching across Adventure Bay with police help, because famous dog-killer named Dograve kidnapped Chase last night. Everybody knew the reason of this move so there was no time to lose. The search endured Ryder and pups not only physically, but also mentally, especially for Skye. She had crush on Chase since she joined the team and her worries about Chase didn't let her control her helicopter confidently, she just told to herself that he will be okay. Meanwhile, few miles away from rescue team, Chase woke up, sitting on small wooden chair, tied all up and with duck tape in his mouth. His eyes were barely opened as he tried to guess where he was. Suddenly he heard steps and the door had opened which made Chase open his eye momentally wide. His kidnapper (or in this moment, pupnapper) was Dograve the most famous dog killer and pupnapper in USA.

Dograve: Ahhh, you finally woke up. Let me take this off (removes duck tape).

Chase: Wha... What do you want to do with me?

Dograve: Well, obviously I want to kill you. But... I'm completely fed up with this. So I want to make a deal with your team and police.

Chase: I don't know if my owner has money...

Dograve: It doesn't matter! Well, the price of our ransome will be something that important and for you and for your team. But still, if I don't get success in deal, you will be dead.

Chase: (gulps)

After 3 hours of searching, Paw Patrol and police finally found the location of dog-killer and Chase and 5 minutes later they arrived to 2-floor house with balcony on 2nd floor. Dograve hear sirens and roaring motors and looked at Chase with evil smirk.

Dograve: Looks like they found us. Come on. It's decider time of your fate and life.

He took Chase by collar and went to balcony to show himself to police and Paw Patrol. Pups got shocked to see their friend very injured, Skyes heart went pale after this view. They waited for killers speech for 1 minute, then Dograve made a deep breath.

Dograve: Listen! I want to make a deal with you! It's very special and I'll explain you why: if Paw Patrol and Chase have something valuable, but similar, I will give up and Chase will be alive. If not - I will give up, but Chase will be killed! You have 1 minute to give me something.

Police Officer: Ryder, pups. It's up to you, think fast.

Paw Patrol started thinking which thing they and Chase had similar and also valuable. They already realized that this 'something' would connect him and other member. Still nothing similar between Chase and other members wasn't valuable, but when 15 seconds laft to their final decision, Skye couldn't wait any longer and decided to move in.

Skye: I love Chase!!!

Everybody gasped except for Dograve who looked at Chase.

Dograve: Well, tell me one answer: yes or no. You love her or don't love her?

Chase also realized that he loves her back and now this confession will save his life, which made his heart beat calmly and he answered confidently.

Chase: Yes, I love her.

Dograve: Alright then. I give up!

The killer let Chase go as he ran down to the exit while Dograve stayed on balcony with arms up. Moments later Chase got bondaged by Marshall, while policemen put killer in police car and drove away.

Chase: Thanks you for saving me.

Zuma: Glad you're alive dude. We were so worried about you.

Rocky: Not to mention, Skye got worried about you the most (giggles).

Chase: Ok I got it Rocky. Can you leave me and Skye alone please?

Ryder: Sure. Come on pups.

Chase and Skye left alone then Chase motioned Skye to come closer to him and she did so. Skye felt Chases arms wrapping her and his lips against her forehead. She smiled and buried her face into his chest.

Chase: Thank you so much. You saved my life.

Skye: You're welcome, and... I'm glad that this incident brought us together.

Chase: Me too. Soooo, tomorrow at 6:30 p.m on the date?

Skye: I'd love to.

They kept hugging each other when Ryder called pups to drive to the Lookout. The end!

One-shot done!! Hope you will like it! See you soon and stay safe ))))

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