We can't be separated by fails

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Marshall: "How could you lose? We believed in you!! It was mistake to tell our fans, that we have the fastest shepherd!

Rocky: "Is that what you are calling a champion?! I can't believe it!!"

Zuma: "I bet I would pass this stage even faster than you!!"

Rubble: "Thanks to you, Mr.Porter won't give us treats!!"

Everest: "You're such a pathetic pup!!"

Skye: "Why I decided to date slow german shepherd like you?! We are through!!"

All these quotes were flooding Chases mind as he was crying uncontrollably in his puphouse. He lost in international herd competition, in final round! Everybody believed that he will win this. Instead he lost to another Shepherd from Great Britain. He will never forget angry faces on Ryder and pups, Mayor Goodway, Katie and even Porter family. 

Chase (thoughts): Why they can't understand, that I pushed myself to the limit! Sure, I was good enough to win this! But they were thinking that after I lost it's like the end of world! Well if I'm bad pup I deserve something bad.

He took a blade on shelf and started cutting his paws, feeling big pain and telling himself that he's a bad pup. Chase did that for 20 minutes and all his body was covered in cuts and blood. He didn't even think about licking the blood from cuts and fell asleep still crying, but quietly.

Month later

All pups except Chase were watching the TV and talking about some stuff. They forgot about that talk with Chase after competition and Skye was flirting with Zuma. Then they stopped talking and just watched "Apollo show" until they got bored. The silence occupied the romm for 10 minutes, when Rubble unexpectedly started talk.

Rubble: Well, you maybe will start thinking that I'm an idiot but I think we were too hard with Chase month ago.

Zuma: You know what, me too! It was so painful to lose at final and I got so emotional.

Rocky: We just couldn't understand, that Chase had someone stronger againist him.

Marshall: I rememeber, when I gave him medical check-up after each round. I don't know how he feels right now.

Everest: Physically?

Marshall: Mentally also.

Skye also felt bad after this talk, because she broke up with Chase because of freaking competition. While other pups were talking she threw off her mind thoughts about dating Zuma and decided to visit Chase. She knew that he was rotting in his puphouse so she went there. But when Skye opened the door, the picture of what she saw inside made her scream. Everybody heard that and ran to Skye and also got shocked. Chase was laying unconcisuious with cuts and covered in blood. Marshall ran to his puphouse and transformed it into medical van.

Marshall: Get him in!

Pups brought Chase in back of the van and drove to the hospital. 5 minutes later they arrived to the hospital and delivered Chase to the medical room where he was put on bed. Now they needed to wait, but the nurse said, that with these wounds he has 85% chance to not make it. Miraculously Chase survived and woke up on next day. He noticed bandages on his paws and heard beeping and realized that he's in hospital.

Chase (to himself): Well, they don't know about my heartache after too hard training before final and result was cancelled after my medical check-up (sigh). But who c-cares (starts sobbing). T-t-they n-n-need only a w-win. W-w-why t-t-they s-s-saved me? (cries)

Little did he know Skye heard everything and without thinking twice she went into Chases room to get closer to him.

Skye: Why you didn't tell about that earlier?

Chase (cries): B-b-because you w-w-ere about thinking ab-b-out my l-lose, s-so I understood t-that you don't c-care about my h-health. I'd r-rather die n-now.

Skye couldn't hold her tears so she hugged him tightly sobbing in his shoulder. And Chase knew why: this loss caused her to let all emotions out without thinking about consequences. Like "You lost - you are looser. I don't care!"

Skye (sobbing): I can't believe that I broke up with you because of this. I'm sorry.

Chase (sobbing): Not only you are sorry. I'm sorry too. For...

Skye (sobbing): No, no and no million times! We caused you to hurt yourself almost to death. I caused you to hurt yourself. It wasn't your fault (hugs Chase tighter).

Chase: It's ok. At least I knew why you're angry at me and hoped that you will realize this mistake. Yeah, I lost but I tried. And you forced me to training before final. As a result I have no choice.

Skye (sobbing): If we didn't do it, would you win this, right?

Chase: Again?

Skye (sobbing): Oh. Sorry. Well... I want you back. Like, we're dating again. But I think I don't deserve it after all this mess (cries).

Chase (hugs Skye): Shhhhh, hey. Remeber when you lost in flying competiton? Was I angry?

Skye (cries): N-n-no. B-but you c-c-congratulated me.

Chase (hugging Skye): Remember: we can't be separated by fails. It looks ridiculous. I'm happy that you realized your mistake and I still love you. Just remembver this moment when someone of us will lose again in major competition.

Skye (stops crying): T-t-thank you. I-i-i love you too (nuzzling his cheek by her nose). But what about your heart? You have a heartache.

Chase: Well if I'll have some rest it will go.

Skye (smiles): Well I can organize it. As an apology, please?

Chase (giggles): Ok. It would be great if you stayed with me for a while. I missed you.

Skye (snuggles into him): I missed you too Chase.

They snuggled into each other feeling happy after fixing their things in relationship. The end!

One-shot done!! Hope you will like it! See you soon and stay safe ))))
P.S: Today I'll show you my writing schedule for this week!

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