Hear me

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In this one shot, pups are humans!! Enjoy!

How you can describe a 'perfect' couple? Well, it's quite a simple task: 'perfect couple' means, that two people, who love each other don't have any hardships, aren't cheating on each other, ready to help each other, comfort each other and the most of it, hear each other. Chase and Skye could also be an example of 'perfect' couple: love each other since childhood, no arguements, no cheatings, comforts in hard to one of them times or to both of them, but during their 8 month relationship, a couple started losing one improtant thing, which should have been in every couple: hearing and understanding each other.

For last 2 months a love fire which was burning between these 2 pups started fading, because Chase was on missions like every single time. On each mission Chase was called, and he couldn't have more time to spend it with Skye. All their planned dates were mostly canceled because of each routine mission. Heck, Chase and Skye already did their "first time" and couldn't wait for more, but due to similar reason, it didn't happened. At some point, Skye started 'intimately' cheating with Marshall, thankfully he used protection so everything was OK to them. Skye didn't have any feelings for fire pup, but loved him as a big brother and Marshall was ready to comfort her. She was talking about ignoring faces from Chase, words "I'm busy, maybe next time", "New mission, talk later". Skye still believed that this nightmare with Chases' mission will end sooner or later, so did Marshall. Chase on the other side, was trully frustrated because of being called on missions every single time! But Ryder gave him a little pressure, telling that 'second in command should be always on missions in case if leader will get in trouble, so the situation could be stabilized'. From that the police pup felt so weak, that sometimes he thought: "Skye deserves someone less busy and more caring than me". It started making feel more sad and angry at himself from each mistake on missions. All pups, who were on missions with Chase told about it to Skye and she prayed that Chase could get freed from that. Luckily, it couldn't go like that forever and in one day, our couple managed to find some time and fix their problems.

It was a chilly afternoon in Adventure Bay. Ryder, Chase and Zuma came back from another mission. The police pup was laying on beanbag, still thinking that he's worthless to Skye, when it snapped off by Skyes' call. Skye, hoping that at this moment Chase was free, listened to Marshalls' advice and called him to talk. Chase somehow managed to answer a little happily, so the couple went to the old tree near cliff and sat under it. They didn't look at each other as silence filled the atmoshpere between them, untill Chase decided to go on.

Chase: So, why did you call me?

Skye: We need to talk about our relationship.

Chase: That we can't have a good time with each other?

Skye: *Nodds*

Chase: Because of me being all time on missions?

Skye: *Nodds*

Chase: Well... I'm the one to blame.

Skye (confused): Why?

Chase: I got pressured by Ryder, precisely by his authority. And I didn't do anything for protest, which lead that I started forgetting about you.

Skye: Well, if you think that it was yours fault, so be it.

Chase (sighs): You already found someone better than me, didn't you?

Skye (surprised): What? Why did you ask?

Chase: Well, why you need a boyfriend, who can't spend even a miserably little time with you?

Skye: Chase, you're acting too much for guy, who's blaming.

Chase: No, it's mine fault and that's it.

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