Honeymoon beach

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Chase: Ahhh, finally we arrived. Can't believe we got married (falls on bed).

Skye: Thank God! It was the best moment in my life to marry you Chasey.

Our couple had just arrived to Hawaii for their honeymoon as they got married 2 days ago. It was a special moment to everybody, 'cause Chase and Skye were dating for 4 years and Paw Patrol still didn't went separate ways. Also Chase was on hiring path to FBI and just a week before wedding he got accepted to organization. Not to mention, Mayor Goodway having a good fundancy to heroes of Adventure Bay, decided to give some money for couple honeymoon and that's why Chase and Skye went to luxury 5-star hotel in Hawaii which was just near Waikiki beach, the most poular beach in Hawaii. Luckily for Skase beach had a special place for couples for their 'things'.

Chase: Sooo, wanna go to the beach?

Skye: You know I do. I'm already ready to go.

Chase: Me too, wait! Did you flew in your bikini?!

Skye: I can say the same to the guy, who flew in swimming trunks (laughs).

Chase (laughs): Alright then. Let's go.

They took everything they need for beach day and went ot Waikiki beach. The sun started settling down, so it was not so hot on beach. The couple went to special place for couples on beach, which had a big trestle bed, which looked more like a usual bed with curtains, a table where couple could have a dinner with champagne and sea food and personal shower cabin. A perfect place for romantic fun. That's what both Chase and Skye thought when they arrived here. Then Chase noticed one interesting thing.

Chase: Look on the carpet!

Skye (looks on carpet): And?

Chase: There's our badges. Can't you see?

Skye (looks better): Oh right, hehe. Looks like it's our personal part of beach for couples.

Chase: I think so. And I think it's great. I know we are famous and I remeber we even couldn't go on date in Adventure Bay.

Skye: Haha I remember this.

Chase: So we deserved some private space huh?

Skye (kisses Chase): We surely are. 

They went closer to the water and stopped. Then Chase laid the towel, put on an umbrella and opened it, then he laid down on sand a bag with food.

Chase: Thanks to Rubble we can carry more food with this bag.

Skye: It looks more like container.

Chase: Nevermind. I'll go swimming, are you coming?

Skye: I'll sunbath but join you later.

They stripped off from their clothes and now they were wearing their swimsuits: Chase was wearing light blue swimming trunks while Skye was wearing dark pink bikini. As Chase went to swim Skye laid on towel and raised her head to see her handsome husband. Looking at his body which was shining under the sun made Skye horny and her hand slowly moved to her bikini panties. Just when Chase entered the water, Skyes hand entered under her panties and started rubbing her pussy. She bit her lower lip as she started to remember when she and Chase mated last time. Skye started rubbing smoother as she saw Chases wet body diving and emerging from water. Meanwhile Chase was swimming for 8 minutes and got surprised because Skye wasn't coming for long time so he decided to return back to shore. When he got closer to his wife he quietly smirked: Skye was messing with her pussy with bitten lower lip.

Chase: Ahem!

Skye (stops rubbing): Oh, hey. Didn't see you coming.

Chase: Looks like you're quite horny.

Skye: Chasey... do you remember when we had sex for last time?

Chase: 1 or 2 months ago... I think.

Skye: That's it!

Chase: Sooo, my naughty wife wants to have honeymoon sex?~

Skye: Ohh yeah~

Chase: But where?~ In water, or here~ Don't worry, nobody will see us~

Skye: I have better idea~ Let's go swimming~

Chase: And then...

Skye: That's right Chasey~

The couple ran into the water and swam in the ocean for 10 minutes time by time getting closer to each other for a kiss. At one moment Chase and Skye got closer to each other and pressed their foreheads under the sunset, waves were splashing them although they were little. Then Chase lifted up his wife and kissed Skye biting her lower lip and she kissed him back. He carried her through waves still kissing her and laid her on wet sand. Because of waves and diving Skyes bikini bra moved so her breasts got opened a little and Chase kissed them and her chest. While doing this he pulled down her bikini panties and kept kissing Skyes breasts and chest. During this pleasure Skye was moaning softly, but her mind was filled by happiness: it was the best start for honeymoon. Chase kept kissing Skyes chest and pulled down his swimming trunks, revealing his 8.8 inch cock then he stopped kissing and let Skye look down.

Skye: Well, let's start our honeymoon in style~

Chase: We will do it on honeymoon often~

Chase then pushed his dick into Skyes vagina earning a sharp moan and started thrusting slowly for 2 minutes. Then he started thrusting faster while Skye started moaning happily and in pleasure. She kissed Chases nose who almost laid his head on her chest, while he kept thrusting fast and 15 minutes later he pushed full length and cummed into Skyes womb moaning loudly and so did Skye, who cummed hardly on Chases penis. They started panthing but with smile on their faces.

Chase: Maan I missed this feeling.

Skye: Me too. Let's go to trestle bed and don't wear anything.

Chase: Sounds great to me.

They got up and went to trestle bed taking off their swimsuits, climbed on and snuggled into each others wet bodies. The end!

One-shot done! Hope you will like it! Remember, you can send your ideas for Skase one-shot like nowyyy808 did twice. See you soon and stay safe )))))

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