Never late to start again

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A little note before you read! It will be first one-shot where my OCs are included! By the way, pups are humanized! Enjoy!

It was a late night in Adventure Bay, 3 years later after Paw Patrol got disbanded and pups went separate ways and for one pup, own life went completely disastrous. Instead of looking for job and keeping in touch with his teammates, he decided to buy a PC and play computer games with his new friends, Vlad and Ryan. Thinking that he already has experience to be a policeman and finding a job is a case of no time, he was playing computer games for whole day or night, 24/7. Yes, it was Chase, who decided to take a break after being second in command. Unfortunately, he started playing computer games even when Paw Patrol existed, but at these times Ryder always managed to stop Chase. Because of gaming addiction, his relationship with Skye, his girlfriend went from good to horrible and they broke up, and surprisingly, Chase didn't care. That's when other pups realized, that Chase is already separated from them, so when they went separate ways, pups deleted Chases' number, because they didn't believe that old Chase will come back.

At same night Chase was completely tired, angry, many papers with debts and cans from energetic drinks were laying on his table, on floor. His house wasn't having water and heating, only electricity for which Chase always gave money he had. It was half past two on clock and Vlad, Ryan and Chase just finished playing matchmaking game in CS:GO, which they lead to tie 15:15. Even after that result Chase was angry.

Vlad: Dude, you... really need to calm down. It's just a game.

Ryan: By your voice, you played games like non-stop.

Chase (angry): I don't care!! We could win this game, if you didn't fail with bomb in last round!!!

Vlad: Well I was tired dude. My parents told me to go sleep!

Ryan: Same here!

Chase (angry): Great!! I lost another chance to upgrade my rank!!

Vlad: Listen, Chase. We already know that you have gaming addiction.

Chase: How??

Vlad: Trust me, I went through this too. When I was actually 16.

Ryan: Yeah, I remember you told me this story.

Vlad: But, Chase, you're freaking 19 years old! You need to find a job!! Sorry, but what me and Ryan were trying to say is we need to stop playing with you for some period of time.

Chase (sobs): No, no. Guys, you are mine only friends. I-

Vlad: Man, listen, it's for your well-being. Sorry about that, goodnight!

Ryan: Yeah, bye man!

Chase turned off his PC, sobbing heavily, got up from chair and laid on bed, crying already. His friends were right, he's addicted to computer games and lost everything he had: friends, chance to find a job, girlfriend. At this point, Chase found himself in situation, when you realized how bad is your life right now, that you're feeling useless and unfixable. 

Chase (crying and to himself): I can't believe it, I let addiction control me all time. I'm nothing at this point, I'm just a crazy guy, who was in team of pups and was thinking only about computer games.

Still thinking about it Chase fell asleep, still crying. The next day he woke up at noon, having such headache and rubbed his face, trying to clean it from tears. Then Chase sat on edge of bed with head down and put his hand behind his head. He felt like parazite and this night made him to make a decision: try to recover himself back.

Chase (to himself, hoarsely): It's never late to start everything again. Maybe something will be new in my life, but if I really want to move on from addiction, I need to throw it away somehow.

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