A guardian

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Chase, a police pup, who's always been serious, brave and also protective. He doesn't show his soft spot for anyone, except one person: Skye. For her, Chase is always ready to solve problems in no time, ready to comfort her, take care of her and most of all, protect her at all costs. Everyone around already started calling him "Guardian", meaning that he always defends Skye, when she's in trouble. At first times, Skye teasingly went into it, but as time went, the more annoying it got. Chase also knew that he should stop taking care of her too much and he did so. All these 'protecting' moments went on one big step further, when Chase managed to land carefully with Skye after her parachute failure (shootout to "Skyes' Guardian Angel" oneshot, which is not mine). Since then, pups started talking that Chase has a mega crush on her and they were right, because he does. Skye's also had some feelings for Chase, which was proved by hanging out with him often and talking with him, when they were alone. However, Skye started responding more and more coldly to Chases' rescues of her, which made police pup more and more heartbroken and think that his crush got harted to him because of his "Guardian" job. One day, Skye forced herself to tell him the truth.

It was an early evening at Adventure Bay, a sun just started to settle down. Skye and Chase were chatting with each other as usual under the tree at cliff. Skye was laughing from funny stories, which she and Chase shared, but also was quite nervous about telling Chase some painful words. Chase also noticed that aviator pup got quite nervous and silent.

Chase: Is everything alright?

Skye: Chase, listen. Umm... I'm sorry, but we... we can't hang out together anymore.

Chase (sighs): I think I know the reason, I guess.

Skye: Why then?

Chase: It's mine fault, I'm too overprotective to you. So if you don't want to hang out together anymore, so be it (whimpers).

Skye: Wait what??

Chase (whimpers): I'm sorry.

Chase left away still whimpering, leaving Skye in half-shock, half-sad emotions. She didn't expect that Chase will already feel gulity, which made her really depressed. Then Skye decided to have a walk around town to clear her head and create a plan, so she and Chase will repair their bonds again. The sun almost settled down when Skye was walking near Mr.Porters', and approached waterpump tower, when suddenly a doberman arrived in front of her.

Doberman: Well, well, well. Looks like I found a girl to have some fun.

Skye (scared): No no no. I'm too young for that.

Doberman: Even better!

Skye (scared): I'm from Paw Patrol, you'll get in trouble!

Doberman: Woooo, I've caugh a jackpot! Now I'll get 100% chance to enter the Paw Patrol instead of mutty shepherd!

Skye (scared): Chase?

Doberman: Of course! Now come here dear.

Skye made a backflip and ran away with doberman after her. Knowing that she won't escape, she called for a help the only pup, who could take care of him. At this time, Chase was laying in his puphouse also clearing his head, when his pup-tag litted up.

Skye: Help please!! 

Chase: What happened?

Skye: Some doberman is chasing me to have some things with me!!

Chase: What?! Hold on I'm coming to you!!

Chase like a bullet ran to town. Meanwhile, Skye was already tired and turned in alley, which lead to dead end. She turned around to see doberman with sinister look and claws from his paws.

Doberman: Some bruises will teach you to obey me next time!

Chase: Not in my shift!!

Suddenly Chase pounced from behind at doberman and gave a bite on shoulder and scratched his neck as doberman turned around and gave a big injury on Chases' stomach, which made him fall down in pain. Skye gasped in fear as doberman smiled and sighed in frustration.

Doberman: Well, it's also a good choice to replace Chase at Paw Patrol. See ya cutie!

He ran off as pups left alone. Chase was holding his stomach in pain, feeling blood on his paw, Skye went quickly to him and put her paw against his.

Chase: Did he hurt you? (coughs)

Skye: No.

Chase: I thought you didn't want me to protect you anymore.

Skye: I didn't expect to see reaction as going away whimpering, I didn't know that you already knew about that.

Chase (softly): Skye, how I can't protect a pup, who I like?

Skye: What... what did you say?

Chase (weakly): Bring... me... to... Katie (faints).

Skye got horrified as she called Katie for help.

5 minutes later

Skye was desperatly waiting for Katie as she was healing Chase. Then door opened and Katie came out and rubbed her forehead with "phew" sound.

Skye: Is he alright?

Katie: Thankfully, scar isn't so deep as I thought. He's awake and wanted to see you.

Skye: Thank you very much.

She went into the room, where Chase was laying on bed with half-closed eyes. Skye jumped on bed and laid beside him.

Skye: All ok?

Chase: Yeah, feel better.

Skye: Well, what I wanted to say about... no hanging out. You may get hurt, while protecting me - that was a reason (rubs his chest by her paw).

Chase: Oh, I'm sorry about that.

Skye: No, it's fine. At least you're okay.

Suddenly she nuzzled Chase, which made him blush and nuzzle back. When they stopped, Skye smiled.

Skye: I still remember your words (giggles).

Chase: Oh (giggles).

Skye: I like you too Chase. 

Just then Katie came in.

Katie: Guys, Ryder called. He wants you to get back to then Lookout.

Skye: Carry to get me back home? To mi- your puphouse?

Katie (thoughts): Aweee, they are a couple now!

Chase: Sure.

For next 15 minutes, Skase made their way back to Lookout and were sleeping in Chases' house, snuggling into each other as Skye whispered in Chases' ear.

Skye: From now, I'm your guardian too (kisses Chases' cheek).

The end

One shot done!!! Hope you will like it! See you soon and stay safe )))))

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