Patience pays off

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Skye finished preparing her kids to school, Cole and Hugo. It was an early morning in Adventure City, Paw Patrol had disbanded and pups went on their ways: Chase went with Skye and got married, Marshall did same with Everest, so did Zuma with Ella. Rubble found interest in Sweetie, which lead to success and Rocky quickly found similar language with Gasket. Unfortunatelly for Skye, she heard some mega-shocking news at Marshall and Everests wedding, which was 4 years ago, at this day Chase found quite difficult to comfort Skye.

4 years ago

Pups were enjoying themselfes on wedding as Marshall and Chase were talking about their future lifes. The wedding went into chilling pace, so pups could rest after dancing.

Marshall: So, what are you gonna do next? I'm going to enter a competition for pup-medics to Chicago hospital.

Chase: Well, you wanted to go there, so good luck, but what about firefighter carrer?

Marshall: Oh, it will be my second variant if I won't get success in medical sphere. Chicago Fire Department.

Chase: Nice *sighs*. Well, I got caught by US Forces. They heard about me and they want me in their rows.

Marshall: Wait, you mean that you...

Chase: Yes. I'm going to army. For... 4 years.

Skye unexpectedly heard these words and went quickly from hall, Chase noticed that and followed her. 1 minute later he caught her sitting near the wall, paws covered her eyes. He came to his wife and wrapped his paw around her neck and nuzzled her back.

Chase: Shhh, there, there. What's wrong?

Skye (softly): Why... why you didn't tell me earlier about army?

Chase: Dear, they told me about that just yesterday after you went to sleep. And still, you didn't want to hear bad news.

Skye (softly): I know, but... I'm afraid of one thing which could happen in army.

Chase: What is it?

Skye (softly): Well... army will take part in military conflicts, right?

Chase: Yeah... Hey, hey, hey (kisses her forehead). Don't be so sceptic. I'll survive, I promise.

Skye (softly): How can I believe you? I mean, when you'll come back, if you'd survive?

Chase: Hmmm... I'll come back in 18th of April, the day when we went on our first date.

Skye (softly): Ok. I got your word (hugs Chase). Please come back alive.

Chase (hugs Skye): I will Skye.

Present day

Reminding that talk, Skye went to kitchen to check date on calendar, it was 18th of April, the day when Chase will come back. During his absence, Marshall, Everest and Skye were watching news about U.S Army working in Iraque, South Africa and Israel. While watching all situations, Skye got more and more terrified and when the news told about dead pups in these conflicts, some of pups said that Chase can barely survive here. Skye still had hope in her heart, that Chase will survive and kept waiting for him. Day was going on, kids returned from school, but she kept waiting. As clock was showing 8:00 p.m, her hopes started fading, but Hugo and Cole were still hoping, at 9:40 p.m Skye started whimpering: Chase wasn't coming back. And when clock showed 10:30 p.m, she gave up, and with tears in her eye looked at children.

Skye: Kids, go to sleep. I think he won't come back.

Hugo: No! We'll wait for him! We believe that he's alive.

Cole: Please, let us stay here at least for one hour

Skye (sighs): Ok, I'll give you one hour to wait. Goodnight.

Skye went upstairs to her and Chases room, laid on bed to get some sleep, but thoughts about her husbands death wouldn't let her do it. Meanwhile a slightly grown German Shepherd in military uniform was coming past all houses. Until he stopped at wide one with blue door and pink roof. He went to that door and knocked three times. The clock was showing 11:15 p.m as Hugo and Cole almost fell asleep, but a knock on door made them wake up quickly. They ran to the door and opened it, only to squeal in happiness: despite uniform and body changes, they recognized their father.

Hugo: Chase!!

Cole: Daddy!!

Chase: Haha, I missed you so much! 

The trio hugged each other tighly as they entered the house. From sound of their meet Skye woke up and exited the bedroom. She saw a German Shepherd in military uniform with amber eyes.

Skye: Honey... (smiles and exctied). You're back!!!

She quickly ran to hug her husband and their children joined them. 

Skye (hugs Chase): I really should thank kids. They believed that you'll come back. True, I really lost hope that you're alive, sorry.

Chase (hugs Skye): It's OK, dear. It's OK.

Skye (hugs Chase): Where had you been all day?

Chase (stops hugging Skye): My new friends from military called me to celebrate the end of army. And ceremony too.

Skye: Heh, now makes sense. Glad you're back Chasey.

Chase (kisses Skyes cheek): Patience always pays off, even if hope is lost.

Skye: Well... who's wanna watch TV? Since our dad is back, we deserved some movie night.

Chase just twirled his wife as Hugo and Cole cheered for movie night. The end!

One-shot done!! Hope you will like it!! See you soon and stay safe )))))

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