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Chase was laying in his pup-house as oring atmosphere filled the air: on last mission he sprained his paw, which meant that he couldn't go with Ryder and pups on karting with Jake. It looked like that he will be alone for whole day, or so he thought - a knock on the door sounded and Chases' ears perked up, someone decided to visit him.

Chase (thoughts): At least I won't be alone for a while!

He then stood on his paws and pressed the button to open the door of his puphouse and what a surprise it was for German Shepherd as he saw Skye, his crush, in front of him with sympathy smile on her face.

Skye: Hey Chase.

Chase (blushes a little): H-hey, didn't expect you to be here.

Skye: I didn't go because of my size.

Chase: Just because you're too small?

Skye (sighs): Yes. 

Chase then looked at Skye and himself: he was the biggest pup and she was the smallest pup in team. If he didn't hurt his paw, they would go karting together. This thought made Chases' ears lower down and Skye noticed this.

Skye: What's wrong?

Chase: I somewhy felt that it was my fault.

Skye: Because of your paw? Oh, please, quit it, you shouldn't blame yourself.

Chase (smiles a little): Thanks, Skye.

Skye: You're welcome. *giggles* Can I come in?

Chase (blushes): S-s-sure.

Chase moved a little so Skye could enter his puphouse and look around of things that German Shepherd was holding there. In his mind, Chase was relieved that he hid Skyes' bathing cap so they won't argue about this.

Skye: Wow, there's so much space. I bet I could do backflip here.

Chase: Heh, who knows.

 Then two pups stared at each other as silence fell between them - despite that they weren't doing anything, they just enjoyed presence of each other. Without noticing, Skye put her paw on Chases' healthy paw, feeling his soft fur on hers.

Skye (thoughts): I could touch his paw all day! He's so fluffy, like specially fluffy for me... Aha!!

An idea came into Cockapoos' mind as she looked at Chase.

Skye: Chase, how about to play a game?

Chase: I'm good with that! 

Skye: Alright, rules are simple: you and me just need to answer on one question and need to realize, is it truthful words or not.

Chase: Hmmm, alright.

Skye: Great! So, here's a question: what's so special I have in myself in your opinion?

Chases eyes went a little wide, which gladly Skye didn't noticed: he kinda didn't expect this question, which sounded quite similar as "Do you like me?". Still, nobody except them was in Lookout to interrupt, so after thinking for few more seconds, Chase decided to go in.

Chase (takes a deep breath): What's special in you? Well, you're very cute, charming, full of happiness, fluffy, very pretty, brave, dexterous and full of positive energy which can always brighten up the day.

Skye blushed deep red after that: she kinda felt that Chase appreciates her, but in that kind was a huge surprise. Still, now it was her turn to answer, what's special Chase has in himself. On other hand, she felt that his words about herself were truthful, which made her excited inside.

Skye: A-alright. You're brave, strong, handsome, clever, good motivator, very fluffy and know how to make everyone happy, and the most important, you have a big heart.

Now it was Chases' time to blush after such words from Skye to him. He never knew that he's special in that way, which was a big truth. They didn't know what to say to each other after this. Until the moment when Chase decided to make a move.

Chase: If we're so special to each other, I need to tell you something.

Skye: What is it?

The German Shepherd walked to his crush leaned his head against hears so he was near her right ear, in which he whispered this.

Chase (whispers): You're special to me... because I like you.

It was something that Skye wanted to hear, really - so she pressed her head into Chases' furry chest, putting her paw on bandaged paw afterwards. Then she smiled lightly and so did Chase.

Skye: I like you too.

Then Skye pressed herself into Chase more, which caused him to fall on his back and Skye climbed on Chase, making him giggle. He leaned to her for nose rubbing and she gladly accepted it as both pups felt happy that being special for each other opened new bonds in their from now relationship. The end!

ONE SHOT DONE!! Hope you will like it! Since next one-shot will be anniversary, 50th, write in comments which one shot from this book you liked the most! See you soon and stay safe <3

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