The Beach: part 3

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Walking back to the boys was like the walk of shame; it was so embarrassing. The first boy I passed was Harry who whistled and raised his eyebrows at me. Next was Liam who winked at me and gave me a thumbs-up. After that, I saw that Zayn was sitting in the sand smirking at me.

"Eavesdropping isn't nice!!" I said to him sticking out my tongue.

Last was Louis. He swooped me up and spun me around as I hit him to put me down.

"Louis, what the heck?"

"You and Nialler, eh?" he said, putting me down. I tried to force down the blush that was forming on my cheeks, but it wasn't working.

"There is nothing going on between Niall and me. He just had to ask me a question," I said, trying to sound as convincing as possible.

"Yeah, okay," Louis said, winking at me and walking over to Liam.

Niall slowly made his way over to Zayn, running his hand through his messy blonde-brown hair. They started talking and I noticed Niall blush and punch Zayn in the arm. I laughed to myself and sat back on the sand, wriggling my toes.


The rest of the day consisted of trying to wake Zayn up, twice, playing soccer... errmmmm football, and having a sand castle contest. The teams for the sand castle contest were Louis, Liam, and I against Harry, Zayn, and Niall. It ended up being a total bust because Liam and I were awful at building sandcastles (it ended up looking like a pile of sand with some sea shells on it) and Louis didn't help at all, he just tried to just scope out the "enemy's" castle. Towards the end, Louis just did a cannonball into Harry, Zayn, and Niall's castle (which was actually pretty impressive looking before Louis came along) causing Harry to scream and tackle Louis. It was quite funny, I'm not going to lie.

At this point, we were all being cliche weirdos and sitting on the beach watching the sun set. Surprisingly enough, this was probably the most beautiful sunset I've ever seen. The way the orange and yellow lights danced across the rippling ocean and spread across the horizon amazed me.

I sighed loudly and said, "Wow."

"I know," Niall whispered, causing me to jump. I turned to look at him and realized how close we were. He was looking at the sun quickly setting into the water, when he turned his head, probably feeling me staring at him. "What?" he said cutely, showing his gorgeous smile.

"Nothing," I said looking down at my hand, embarrassed that he saw me staring at him. Suddenly, I saw Niall's hand creep up in my view. His hand slowly made its way over to mine until it was less than an inch away. Inside, I was freaking out, but on the outside, I kept a calm composure, obviously (I'm honestly such a loser to be freaking out about hand holding. What am I, in second grade?). He lifted his hand and placed it on top of mine, finding my fingers and interlocking his with them. All of the sudden, I felt a surge run through my body. All of the feelings I had been feeling when I met Niall two years ago came rushing back and I felt as though they had never left, I don't think they ever did leave. I looked up at him and he was smiling, but he was looking out at the water.


I put my hands in front of the crackling fire Liam made on the beach, I'm not quite sure if this was allowed but whatever. We were all sitting around the fire and eating, what else is new?

"Let's sing a song!" Liam said, cheerfully. Out of nowhere, Niall pulled out his guitar. What was this, a movie? I shrugged it off and shook my head; these boys.

Niall tried to tune his guitar strings until he finally played them all together. "What shall we sing lads?" he chirped.

"How about the Lazy Song by Bruno Mars?" Zayn suggested, laying back on the sand, rather lazily. I see what you did there Zayn.

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