I stared at Louis.
"Lou, what's going on?"
"Lennon, ya gotta listen to me." I nodded. "Niall, he didn't want to break up with you."
"Then why did he?" I asked.
Louis looked around, seeming to make sure no one was around. "Management."
He said it quickly, to the point, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"It was management, Lennon. Management said Niall had to break up with you."
"What? But why?"
"I really can't talk for a while. I'm definitely not allowed to tell you, but ever since Niall said you were dating on the Twitcam, management has been telling Niall you had to breakup. Niall never told them you were dating, which he was supposed to do. He put it off as much as he could but then they started with the threats."
"What threats?"
"Niall kept refusing their demands so they started to say they were going to contact your college or something. I'm not really sure. Niall won't talk about it, he's not taking it well."
I was shocked. "But-"
"Hey listen, babe, I really gotta go but I'm gonna call you later. We have to get you guys back together."
"Sorry." Then the picture of Louis disappeared. What just happened? If it was management then why didn't Niall just tell me that? Wait! That must have been who he was talking to when he called me. And I guess that explained the song; if he knew since the summer then he knew he needed to break up with me. This was too much to take in.
I grabbed a pair of flip flops and my keys and left my room, walking down the steps. I slid out of the front door and unlocked the car. I just needed some space. I aimlessly drove around until I settled on sitting at the dock. It was stupid, really. Oh look at all the memories I had with Niall here. Pathetic.
Louis said he wanted to get us back together, Niall obviously wanted us to get back together-- it seemed easy enough. I was wrong.
I sat on the dock for a while just looking out on the water and thinking. Honestly, I was feeling sorry for myself. Why? If anything, I should be thinking about what Louis said at the end of the call: "We have to get you guys back together." The whole conversation repeated over and over again in my mind. I was really jumping to conclusions with the whole 'Niall cheating on me' thing. He seemed so broken-- the thought of him like that was something I couldn't handle. Niall was supposed to be the strong one. Seeing him so torn, so upset, made me want to reach through the computer screen and hug him and tell him it was all going to work out. But was it?
Suddenly, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around.
"Matt, what are you doing here?" He wasn't exactly the person I wanted to see. He sat down next to me letting his feet fall over the edge of the dock.
"I got back yesterday from school for Thanksgiving. You come here to think, too?" I was still on edge talking to him. I kept my guard up.
"Yeah," I replied, simply.
"I'm, well Lennon, I'm sorry."
"Why are you saying this now?"
"I've been a shitty friend."
I scoffed.
"Okay, okay. I know. I'm really sorry about everything. Can you forgive me? I miss you," he said.

A Happily Never After (A Niall Horan Fanfic)
FanfictionNiall Horan. Niall... her Niall. No, he wasn't her's. They had only spent two weeks together. How could she be so stupid to think that he loved her? It was just a stupid fling. Lennon met Niall before he auditioned for X-Factor. They were both sixte...