We sat there for a while. I cried for a while, but I couldn't help it.
"What are you guys doing in there?" Liam asked from the door. I was wondering when they would come around looking for us.
"We're coming out," Niall said. "You okay?" he turned to me, wiping the tears off my face, gently. I nodded, trying to stop crying. "You think you can go out?" I nodded.
He helped me up and he grabbed my hand, leading me out of the bathroom.
"They were in the bathroom?" I heard Zayn ask.
Harry laughed, "I wonder what they were doing in there." I rolled my eyes and Niall led me into the room.
Louis smiled. "Well there are the love bir-"
"What's wrong?" Perrie yelled.
My eyes were probably puffy but the guys wouldn't have noticed. Girl's intuition, I guess.
El and Perrie ran over to me and pushed me into the next room. I figured Dani left.
El sat me on someone's bed. "What happened?" Perrie rubbed my back.
"My mommom died," I choked out.
"Baby, I'm so sorry," El whispered. I was quickly enveloped in a double hug.
Niall came in some time later and helped me escape from the girls. I loved them but I needed some time. He led me into his room and gave me a t-shirt and some shorts to wear. I climbed into his bed and he followed me. Niall pulled me into him and I rested my head on his chest. His arms wrapped around my back.
"I know you're leaving tomorrow," he whispered, "but I'll always be there for you. Always." I smiled for the first time and he kissed my forehead.
"You are honestly perfect," I said.
He laughed. "I'm not going to fight with that." I pushed his stomach.
"You're cocky," I laughed.
"I'm glad to hear you laugh," he said, pulling me, yet again, closer to him.
A listened to his heart beat and just as it was putting me to sleep, I heard him whisper, "I love you."
I smiled and kissed his shoulder. "I love you, too."
I woke up to a cold, empty feeling and the light strum of a guitar. When my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I sat up and saw Niall sitting on the edge of the bed. He was jotting something down on a piece of paper.
I peered over his shoulder and saw the word Summer scribbled across the top of the paper before Niall looked over his shoulder.
"Why are you awake? Did I wake you, princess?"
"No," I smiled. "What are you doing?"
"I got a song idea in the middle of the night and needed to write it down."
"Can I hear it?"
I pouted.
"That's not going to work. Nice try though." I rubbed my eyes and wrapped my arms around his now shirtless chest. Leaning my chin on his shoulder, I sighed loudly. "You okay?"
"Just tired," I responded. Niall placed his guitar on the ground and closed the book he was writing in. He then turned around and pushed me down onto the bed, hovering over me.
"Then go to bed," he laughed.
"I have a better idea," I giggled, tiredly. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him down until our lips met. He kissed me slowly but he quickly ended the kiss and rolled over next to me.
"I'm suddenly tired," he groaned, burrowing his head into my neck.
"Get out of here," I laughed, pushing his head out my neck. In one swift motion, he pecked my lips before grabbing my waist and pulling my body against his.
"I like this position," he said. I laid my head on his chest and I couldn't help but rest my hand on his chest too.
"Me too."
The next day was spent watching movies before I saw the time. "Niall, I have to get to the airport! I haven't even packed!" I yelled. We ran out to his car and he drove me to the hotel. We ran in and he helped me pack.
"Where have you been?" Loch asked.
"Niall's. Gotta pack," I yelled over my shoulder.
"Meet you on the bus?" she asked.
After we finished packing, I realized this was it. The summer went too fast.
"Niall," I said as he was zipping my last suitcase.
"I'm gonna miss you," I said.
He smiled at me and walked over. "We'll Skype every day and I'll try to visit when I'm in America." I gave him a skeptical look. "I'll sneak out. But on the bright side, Paul's meeting me at the airport and he said I can see you off."
I took the bus while Niall drove his car. I was on the verge of tears leaving the city. I looked at my phone as I received a new message from Sandy.
'I'll miss you so much Lennon. Ya know, after my gap year, I'm planning on going to college in America. Fingers crossed?'
'That would be amazing! Love you, Sandy!!'
I would miss her a lot.
At the airport, I saw Paul and Niall getting escorted by a police officer. I went through security slowly and got a sandwich before sitting down at my terminal.
"There she is," I heard a deep voice say. I looked up and saw Paul and Niall approaching me. I jumped up and gave him a hug. He grabbed the rest of my sandwich and downed it in two bites.
"Niall," I groaned.
"Thanks. I was hungry."
I rolled my eyes and he sat down next to me in the terminal, Paul keeping a close eye. I saw a few people around us staring.
"Now boarding flight to Philadelphia International Airport," a woman over the intercom said. No. I looked at Niall frantically and he had a sad look on his face. He put his hands on my waist and pulled me into him. He kissed me and I kissed him back with everything I had in me. This kiss held everything I felt for him.
"I love you," I said, trying to hold back my tears. Such a crybaby.
"Keep your head up. I love you, too," he said, wiping the first tear that fell from my eye. "Skype me as soon as you get home so I know you're safe."
I nodded my head and gave him a last hug, tightly wrapping my arms around his chest.
Niall kissed my forehead and I walked up to give the woman my ticket. I looked over my shoulder one last time, seeing Niall one last time, before walking onto the plane.
A/N Hey!! You guys are amazing. Hearing that many people have read this story multiple times is just crazy. It makes me so grateful! Thank you do much for reading and taking the time to vote and comment because it gets me through the day. The chapter is on the shorter side but I hope you liked it!!
I had this chapter ready this morning but my wifi went down. I'm sure you can understand my pain.

A Happily Never After (A Niall Horan Fanfic)
FanfictionNiall Horan. Niall... her Niall. No, he wasn't her's. They had only spent two weeks together. How could she be so stupid to think that he loved her? It was just a stupid fling. Lennon met Niall before he auditioned for X-Factor. They were both sixte...