Sean grimaced at Niall's hold on me.
"You never told me who you were?" Sean blurted out to Niall.
"I don't really think that matters but what does matter is that you stay away from Lennon," Niall sneered, his grip on my waist getting tighter.
"Okay, bye," I said to Sean, trying to escape before anything bad happened. I tugged on Niall's shirt. He caught on and turned to walk away, but he had a look of sheer madness on his face.
"Hey Lennon," I heard Sean yell from behind me, "you don't have to share a room with your sister, ya know. You can come in my room."
I quickly grabbed Niall's arm as he lunged back at Sean.
"Niall, stop," I yelled, trying to pull him back.
"Lennon, let me go," he snapped, trying to swing at Sean's face while Sean just stood there smirking.
"Niall," my voice quavered. He quickly grabbed my hand and pulled me away. The last thing I wanted was Niall to get into a fight.
We sat on a bench and his hand found its way to my cheek. "Are you okay?"
"Niall, I'm sorry. That guy is a jerk."
"Lenn, it's not your fault he's an arse." That made me laugh because Niall was right, Sean was an arse or an ass or whatever.
"Thanks for almost punching him but I don't want you to get hurt."
"Oh, so you don't think I can take him?" he questioned, repositioning his hand behind my neck and pulling my face closer to his.
"I have no doubt you could take him, I just don't want you to hurt your hand when you break his jaw," I giggled.
"Is that so?" he questioned, bringing my face closer to his.
My phone sounded loudly in my pocket causing me to jump. Why does this always happen at the most inopportune times?
I noticed that it was text from Emma when I pulled out my phone.
'We are leaving. Can you get a ride home with Niall, or just stay at his? ;)'
'I'll be back at Connor's house later. Thanks for everything.' I quickly typed back.
I shoved my phone in my pocket.
"Can you drive me back?" I asked Niall.
"Yeah, when?"
"Whenever," I sighed, shoving my hands in my pockets and standing up.
"Are you okay?" he asked, concern laced in his words.
"Yeah," I turned around to face him. He was now standing right in front of me. He took a few steps closer and put his hands on my waist, tugging me forward.
"Why is it that we always get interrupted?" he pondered.
I could feel my cheeks getting redder and my stomach was filled with butterflies as he inched his face closer to mine.
His lips were so close to mine. I could feel his breath on my face as I looked up into his mesmerizing blue eyes. We stood like that for a while, waiting to see who would close the gap between us first. All of the sudden, Niall pulled me closer to him causing my lips to slam into his. All the nerves I had about kissing Niall disappeared as I brought my hands up around his neck, tugging him closer. Our lips moved slowly together as I quickly realized what I had been missing. This kiss brought back memories of our first two years ago. This kiss wasn't the same at all yet it was unimaginably familiar. This kiss was different and perfect and filled with emotions I didn't even know I possessed. And suddenly, my mind went blank, my knees went weak, and our kiss deepened. I didn't even know anyone in my life could have this effect on me, he could control me.
Niall pulled away from the kiss and rested his forehead on mine. He was smiling shyly as he searched my expression for a clue, a hint as to what that gesture had meant to me. Everything. Then, it really hit me, I had just been kissed, by Niall. He kissed me. He. Kissed. Me.
I couldn't hold back the smile that was tugging on my lips. Niall laughed lightly at my actions and kissed me on my forehead. He let go of my waist and interlocked my hand with his.
"Ni," I whispered, "thanks for waiting for me." He went out with Stacy but I don't think he liked her so that doesn't count in my head.
He squeezed my hand and he had a grin on his face.
We walked around for a bit. I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings, I was just going over the past few minutes in my head, over and over again. After a short silence I turned to Niall.
"Niall what happened to the food you were supposed to get us?" I asked, remembering why he had gone in the first place.
"Everything's closed," he said disappointingly.
"Wow," I shook my head before stealing our giraffe out of Niall's hand. "I guess we should go then."
A/N hello!!! So I got a good amount of comments on the last chapter so let's see some more!! Yay! Tell me what you thought of this chapter as I know it was probably long anticipated. Thanks for all the reads, comments, and votes. KEEP IT UP!!

A Happily Never After (A Niall Horan Fanfic)
FanfictionNiall Horan. Niall... her Niall. No, he wasn't her's. They had only spent two weeks together. How could she be so stupid to think that he loved her? It was just a stupid fling. Lennon met Niall before he auditioned for X-Factor. They were both sixte...