Just My Luck

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"Ricky, where are you taking me?" I screamed nervously. I was roughly being pulled until we reached a very secluded part of the beach. He stopped and looked into my eyes. He got really close and I could smell alcohol on his breath. When had he even been drinking? I was so confused!
"Listen very carefully, Lennon, you--"
I cut him off. "Ricky you're obviously drunk and off your rocker. Let's just go back and find Matt," I said as calmly as I possibly could.

He rolled his eyes and that was when I felt his hand across my face. I had never really experienced someone slapping me before. I didn't like it. I felt my face burning and I tried to run.

"Oh, you're not going anywhere missy," he said, grabbing my arm. "Do you realize how much trouble you have caused me over the years and you broke me and my girlfriend up."
Why the heck was he mentioning this now? That happened almost two months ago. Nevertheless I spoke back.
"Maybe because I caught you cheating on her!" I retorted.

"Oh that's it!" he yelled. He started walking closer to me when he put his hand over his mouth and ran a few feet away. He was throwing up! Ha, that's what you get, I thought, before running off the beach. I ran down through the carnival as fast as I could not paying attention to where I was going.

Just my luck... CRASH!!!

A/N sorry this is so short but comment and vote!!!

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