My phone was about to fall off of the bedside table as it was slowly vibrating towards the edge. My Let it Be ringtone signaled that a member of my family was calling me. I slowly rolled over on the bed a reached over to the table. With my eyes closed, I strategically whacked the table until I found my phone, ah there it is. I yanked it out of the charger and it stopped ringing just as I was about to accept the call. Perfect timing.
I looked at the screen, MISSED CALL EMMA. I immediately called her back, I had so much to tell her.
"Hey Emmy Wemmy!"
"Don't call me that," she said flatly.
"Well hello to you to, what's up?" I said sitting up. My voice was rather groggy but I didn't really care.
"Why haven't you responded to any of Mom's texts? She's been spazzing at us about it for the last day and a half now," thanks for sharing, Em but I really don't care, I thought.
"Long story..." I said, observing my nails. Gosh, I really needed a manicure.
"I got the time," she said interrupting my thoughts. I knew she was smirking, she probably thought she was clever with this statement but I was planning on telling her anyway so I began.
I started with, "Yesterday, after I landed, I went to Starbucks," and ended with, "I left after Niall and Stacy were practically going all the way on the couch." She didn't say a word throughout the entire story, I even checked the phone three times to make sure she hadn't hung up. It was unlike her, but I savored the moment as these don't come too often with my Emma.
"Wow, Lenn. That's a lot to take in in practically a day. What are you going to do?" Suddenly I heard a ding signaling I had another call. I checked the caller id... Harry? When had he put his number into my phone, I guess he was looking through it when he had it, but don't I have a password? Whatever. I let the call go but left myself a mental reminder to call him back.
"Em, I have absolutely no idea. That is why I am seeking your wise advice," I said sarcastically.
"Well if you want him to notice you, you have to look good and make him jealous."
"Emma, is the jealous route really what we're going for here? I would hate it if a guy did that to me."
Eh she did have a point but who would I even make him jealous with, no I wouldn't, I don't like that idea. I guess I'm just going to have to look really good next time I see the boys.
Just then I heard a knock on my hotel door.
"Emma gotta go, I'll keep you updated. And tell Mom and Dad I miss them!!"
I hung up the phone and slowly walked over to the door, realizing I was still in my pj's and my hair was a mess. I didn't bother checking who it was first, I just opened the door.
"Hey Lennon!" Harry said cheekily. Behind him were Zayn, Liam, and Louis. What were they doing here?
I stepped aside and let them in.
Zayn winked at me, Liam gave me a hug, and Louis patted my head and said, "Don't you look lovely this morning?!" Thanks Lou.
Harry and Louis hopped onto my bed while Liam took the chair to my desk and Zayn took one of the lounge chairs by the window. They all formed a circle and gestured me to come over. I sat on the edge of my bed next to Louis.
"What are you doing here?" I said cautiously.
"Well we never got to finish our conversation last night so we came over here," Liam explained.

A Happily Never After (A Niall Horan Fanfic)
FanfictionNiall Horan. Niall... her Niall. No, he wasn't her's. They had only spent two weeks together. How could she be so stupid to think that he loved her? It was just a stupid fling. Lennon met Niall before he auditioned for X-Factor. They were both sixte...