A/N Just a quick reminder: Katie and Loch are two students in the summer archaeology program with Lennon, and let's not forget about Zac. Just wanted to remind you all, those two girls are very minor characters but yeah.... Also, Lennon and Niall got home at around 11am so they both had a whole day ahead of them. One more thing, remember that this taking place last June so the info might sound old but it was new then.
"I'll see you in a few days, Lenn."
I had apparently slept the whole rest of the limo ride, hopefully Niall didn't mind. We finally arrived back at my hotel and Niall walked me up. The next few days he was rehearsing a lot and then he had three days off before more rehearsals. Ugh!
I stood on my tip-toes, wrapping my arms around Niall's neck, and gave him a small kiss. "Don't forget about me," I told him, pointing to his phone.
"I won't," he laughed. He gave me one last kiss on the cheek and with that, he walked down the hallway and from my view. I found my room key in the bottom of my purse and quickly pulled it out, sliding it into the slot.
10pm. I spent the day at meetings, plenty of meetings. We were discussing Ireland nonstop for hours. Our number of digs had been increased dramatically to eight; a big change from one this month. The whole time, Mr. Chawser discussed how we had to be serious now, no fooling around, this was our future; July was the month to "find ourselves" he put it. After the last meeting, Zac, Katie, Loch, and I went out to dinner. Nothing interesting happened. Afterwards, at about 7pm, I met Sandy and we went shopping and got ice cream. I had a busy day to say the least.
I was laying in my bed, quickly scrolling through my tumblr, half asleep, when something caught my eye. I slowly scrolled back up. "Oh my goodness!" I threw my hand over my mouth, gasping. What I saw on the computer screen was something I had never thought about, something I had never worried about. I was so stupid. I grabbed my phone and quickly sent a text to Niall:
'I'm looking at a picture on tumblr, of us... kissing.'
After hours of rehearsing, and a fair amount of goofing off, the lads and I finally got to go home. It was about 9pm when we got in. I immediately went to the kitchen, pulling out a bag of crisps and a bag of popcorn. Slumping onto the couch, I saw Zayn and Liam on their phones, Louis flipping through tv channels, and Harry was still in the kitchen making tea for Louis and him.
"How was your family?" Harry asked, slowly making his way to the couch, trying not to spills the two teas he was carrying.
I might not have told the lads why I was really visiting Ireland, they just thought I was visiting my family, which I guess I was, technically. "They were fine."
"What'd you do?" Liam said, reaching over into my bowl of popcorn. I swatted him away, trying to think of something off the top of my head.
"We.. um..." I paused. God I was an awful liar. "We went to the fair and I watched Iron Man." Those weren't lies, I thought. Harry still looked at me suspiciously.
"Sounds... fun?" he said, as more of a question than a statement.
"It was," I smiled.
"You heard from Lennon?" Louis piped in, taking his eyes away from the tv.
I felt my cheeks heating up and I was struggling to hold back the smile that forming on my lips. God I was such a girl.
"You have!" Liam yelled.
"What aren't you telling us, mate?" Louis questioned.
My phone buzzed, briefly stopping this conversation, or so I thought.

A Happily Never After (A Niall Horan Fanfic)
FanfictionNiall Horan. Niall... her Niall. No, he wasn't her's. They had only spent two weeks together. How could she be so stupid to think that he loved her? It was just a stupid fling. Lennon met Niall before he auditioned for X-Factor. They were both sixte...