Getting To Know You

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Ummm... Ouch. I picked myself up and brushed myself off about to walk away but the person I bumped into grabbed my arm. Not again. I looked up, ready to pull my arm away. This time, however, I was not looking into the hateful eyes of Ricky but a pair of deep, mesmerizing, blue eyes, the eyes of Niall Horan.

"Lennon? Are you ok?" he asked cautiously.

I didn't even know what to say, but instead of saying anything, I hugged him. I don't know why I did this and I don't know how long we stood there like that but it felt nice and his embrace felt welcoming.

When I finally pulled away, I looked back into his gorgeous eyes.

"Hey Niall," I said. Wow aren't I the charmer?

"Lennon, what happened to your face?" he asked, carefully touching my cheek.

I felt shivers speed throughout my body at his touch. What was that? I wasn't sure but I liked it.

Thinking back to what he asked me I realized that there might be a bruise from where Ricky slapped me. Happy birthday to me.


I didn't dare tell Niall what actually happened so I told him some weird story instead (aside from being so GREAT at talking to guys I am also amazing at telling lies). Niall obviously didn't buy my attempt at a lie but dismissed it anyway. Aww that was nice!

We spent the next hour talking about our lives and walking around the carnival. I learned that he was sixteen, like me, and that he sang. He had apparently tried out for some talent show called the X-Factor a few months back and was waiting to go back for something called boot camp because he had made it through to the next round. I think we had something like that in America. He also played guitar and I learned that I was absolutely in love with his laugh.

I told him stuff about me but what was there really to tell, I led a pretty boring life. Oddly enough, he sounded interested throughout the whole time I was explaining everything about me, nodding at all the right moments and laughing at my childishness and patheticness. Wow, a guy that actually listened.

The weirdest thing I learned from our conversation was that he thought my accent was cute. I, of course, blushed like crazy at this but was still confused? I had a boring American accent. He was the one with the cool foreign accent. Oh well...

Niall offered to walk me back to the hotel and after declining twice I finally gave in.


I had concluded that Niall Horan was one of the sweetest and best-looking guys I knew. Too bad I was leaving in two weeks. Oh well, I was prepared to make the most of these two weeks, that's for sure.

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