Promise Me You'll Wait For Me

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"I want to make sure that you get back safely."

He was so sweet like that. He walked me to my hotel after every time we hung out. It was cute and it made me feel special.

The walk was silent. The ride up the elevator was silent.

We walked over to the door to my room. This might possibly be the last time I see Niall in person, for years, and it killed me inside.

"I'm gonna really miss you, Niall," I blurted out. He didn't say anything in return, just stared. My face slowly dropped until I was looking at the ground.

He reached out and gave me a hug. We stood there for what seemed like an eternity. I didn't want to let go.

Just then, the door to my room opened.

"Lennon is that-- ohh sorry. I'll be going back in now," Emma said slowly backing away, back into the hotel room.

"It's okay Em. We're done," I said quietly, pulling away from the hug. I said my last goodbye to Niall, holding back tears.

Emma and I closed the door to our hotel room and I fell into her arms, crying. It sounds stupid that I was crying over someone I met two weeks ago but there was something about that boy that I didn't want to let go of, something that I didn't want to forget.

Emma rubbed circles on my back while I cried into her. I told her everything that happened that day starting with coffee and ending with right before she opened the door. She was so caring and she actually cancelled her date to spend time with me. We ate popcorn and watched chick flicks until our parents came home.


We woke up way too early for my liking and packed. Emma was gone before I woke up, she wanted say her last goodbyes to her mystery boy. As I was tossing my toothpaste into my bag, I heard a knock on the door. Still in a morning mood, I rudely opened up the door. Standing in front of me was Niall.

I threw myself into his arms.

"Niall, why are you here?"

"To see you, love."

Love? Oh my goodness!!!

"I need to give you something before you leave," he said.

"And that is?" I said sweetly.

He put his hands on my waist. Turn on!!! I might as well have just melted right there. He pulled me closer to him and before we could have any interruptions, he kissed me. He. Kissed. Me.

It was perfect and magical and everything that I imagined that it would be. It made my heart flutter and my cheeks burn. I was smiling like a weirdo and Niall laughed. I told him that I would Skype home right when I got back to New Jersey.

"Promise me you'll wait for me!" I grinned.

"Promise!" he laughed.

He kissed me on the cheek and started walking away.

"Hey Niall!" I yelled.

He spun his head around.

"Thanks for making my first kiss perfect."

My Niall. He was mine.

A/N yay!! They kissed! MWAH! :) COMMENT AND VOTE

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