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I glanced around the room. I saw Matt staring at me, glaring, as Niall was singing. Niall was not singing loudly, I did not think people in the other room could have heard, but Matt was glaring, nonetheless. I shot him a glare back and turned back to Niall, his eyes were watching mine. He finished the song and all of the women cheered loudly, telling him how amazing he was and how he had a God-given talent. As my mom asked him a few questions, Clara, Emma, and I walked into the kitchen to see if there was any dessert.

Sitting on the table was a chocolate cake; Emma and Clara immediately dove for that. I rolled my eyes. Didn't anyone remember that I didn't like chocolate? I was being selfish, but I was hungry. Out of the corner of my eye, however, I saw a big tray of homemade rice krispie treats-- my favorite dessert of all time. I skipped over to the counter where they were sitting and, in a very mannerly way, of course, stuffed my face.


I spun around. "Yes?" I said, in the nicest way I could.

"I need to talk to you."

"Didn't we already talk, Matt?"

He grabbed my wrist and pulled me into my dining room, away from everyone else. "C'mon, Lennon," he said.


"Just give me a chance."

I had to stifle a laugh. "In case you weren't aware, I have a boyfriend," I told him.

"You know I'd be so much better for you."

I stared at him blankly. "Oh, no, actually. I wasn't aware of that."

"You can't really like him. I know you better. We are best friends."

"Were," I corrected him taking another bite of my rice krispie treat. "We were best friends. I don't even think you can call us friends anymore," I scoffed at him.

He forcefully grabbed both of my wrists and pulled me towards him. "All that's standing in your way of being with me is that kid over in the other room. I can easily get rid of him and then we can be together."

"No thanks," I said, trying to pull my arms away, but his grip was strong and my wrists were becoming sore with the force of his hands squeezing them.

"It's not really up to you," he said, his voice getting really low.

I wasn't scared of him, I just needed to get out of this situation. I pulled my hand forward and took another bite of my treat, chewing it slowly, and glaring at him at the same time. What? I was hungry.

I heard Niall's voice from the kitchen, "Has anyone seen, Lennon?" I really didn't want him to see me in this position so I did the only thing I could think of, I forced my knee forward in an attempt to knee Matt in the balls. Unfortunately, he saw it coming and moved out of the way. I then kicked him in the shin--hard. His face scrunched up but his hands stayed on my wrists. If anything, his grip became stronger.

"This is why I'm not going to be with you," I said. "This is not how you treat a girl. If this is you showing me 'how you care' then you don't even know the meaning of the phrase."

All of the sudden, I saw Niall appear in the doorway. "Hey Lenn, I--" he stopped mid-sentence, his face tensed up, and he took a step forward. "Let go of her hands," he said, quietly, but forcefully. Matt stood his ground. Niall took a step closer. "Let go of her hands." No movement. Niall took one step closer. His face was inches from Matt's. "I said let go of her hands." Matt was scared, I could see it in his eyes. His grip on my hands become looser and I pulled them free.

Matt put his hands up in defense. "Man I was just--"


Next thing I knew, Matt was lying on the ground, his hands holding his jaw. In one quick movement, Niall had punched Matt, causing him to fall backwards and land right on the floor. My mouth was hanging open. Niall looked shocked at his own actions, too. Clara and Emma, upon hearing the sound, came running into the dining room.

A Happily Never After (A Niall Horan Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now