Coffee, Games, and Ruined Moments

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The next two weeks went by so quickly. I felt kinda bad because I didn't spend much time with my family, although, I don't think they cared that much. It's not that my family doesn't love me, it's that both of my parents are history professors and they have been spending the vacation visiting historic towns all over Ireland. Don't get me wrong, I do love that type of stuff but I had more important things to do. Although my parents didn't mind my absence, Matt did. He was constantly texting and calling me to find out where I was but I definitely did not want him to know about Niall, so I told him I was with my parents. I felt a bit guilty. And then there's Emma. As I said before, Emma was looking for an Irish boy and boy, did she find one. It was about halfway into the first week and she bumped into him in a Starbucks (isn't that where everyone finds a boyfriend?). He was tall with short, spiky brown hair and gorgeous emerald eyes. He was a looker I'll tell ya that.

Today was our second to last day in Ireland and Niall promised me that he would take me to the beach. It was chilly out so I put on a pair of shorts and a long sleeve shirt. Not an ideal beach day but we weren't going to go in the water anyway because it was really rough this week and unsafe to swim in. I told Niall I would meet him at the beach because Matt was starting to get suspicious.

"Bye Em, I'm heading out!"

"Lenn, you have to kiss him today! It's now or never babe," she giggled.

"I'll try my best sweets," I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes. Yeah like Niall would like me. I laughed at the thought. I thought I was pretty, I'm not one of those girls who thinks they are a troll, I was confident, but not cocky. But Niall was perfect and he could do better than me.

The beach wasn't a far walk, probably about two or three blocks so I roughed it! I picked up a coffee for Niall and a hot chocolate for me on the way there! Yum ( yes I like hot chocolate and not regular chocolate. I don't know why. Don't question it). I put the cup to my nose, breathing in the scent. The first sip of hot chocolate is always like a mission. You have to time it perfectly so you don't burn the whole inside of your mouth but I had this down to a science. After waiting a bit for it to cool down a tad, I took a sip, just as I was stepping onto the sandy beach. The warm chocolate spilled down my throat making my whole body warm. I love that feeling!

"Hey darlin'," Niall said with some funny sort of accent. "You got me coffee? You're too sweet," he said laughing. He gave me a hug and took his coffee. For the next few hours we sat, walked, and explored the beach. We talked about everything and even though we had been talking non-stop for two weeks, we never ran out of things to say.

"Oh my goodness!" I guess I do say that a lot. "We have to play a game."

"What kind of game?" Niall asked moving his eyebrows up and down. I laughed and whacked him on the shoulder.

"Okay, it's called the turn-on's game!" This was a game I always played with my girl friends but for some reason, I felt compelled to play it with Niall.

"The what?"

"Okay listen, it's very easy lad." I giggled. "All you have to do is list turn-on's when you are looking for someone to date but we go back and forth."



"Well aren't we starting?"

"I guess."

"Okay we'll I like it when girls wear snap backs."

"Baseball players."

"You and your American sports!"

I giggled.

"Okay then Lennon, aviators on girls."

"When a guy puts his hand on your waist," I squealed inside.

"When girls are into music!"

"When guys are spontaneous, and sweet, and caring, and just all around kind. Someone who will cuddle up with you when you watch scary movies and listen to your problems and actually care." I cannot believe I just said all that at once, out loud, to Niall. I turned, blushing like crazy, Niall was standing there with the most innocent and the sweetest smile on his face. He was perfect!


As we were discussing how we were to keep in touch, I felt Niall's hand take mine, intertwining our fingers. A spark ran through my body and I felt a huge rush of butterflies in my stomach. He had never held my hand before. Eeeps!!!

We agreed that we would call each other on Skype everyday! It would be around the time I got home from school so it wouldn't be too late for Niall, with the time difference.

All of the sudden I got a burst of energy (probably the hot chocolate). I pulled Niall and we started running up the beach. We were twirling and laughing until I tripped (of course) and brought both of us down. When I opened my eyes, my face was inches away from Niall's. He grabbed my one hand and intertwined our fingers again. He put the other hand on the back of my neck. This was really happening! I was about to kiss Niall! I couldn't believe it.

With the hand on the back of neck, he pulled me down closer to his face. I could feel the rising and falling of his chest and I could hear his heartbeat. We both leaned in, I could feel his warm breath on my lips. This was it! Our lips were just about to meet.


I bolted up and fell off of Niall. There a few feet away was Matt. He couldn't have just coincidentally bumped into us. Could he have really been following us? But if he was, how long was he and how much had he heard? We had been on the beach for a couple of hours. I had a million thoughts all rushing at me at once. I stood up, not even looking back and Niall and walked so I was face to face with Matt.

"Why on earth are you here?" I screamed. Okay, we were in a public place but the beach was pretty deserted aside from a few people fishing. "No, don't answer that. Have you really been following us this whole time? What are you thinking Matt? Just because we are good friends definitely does not mean that you need to know where I am every minute, every second of the day! When you are out fooling around with a jillion other girls, I don't question it and I CERTAINLY don't follow you. What were you thinking? Oh that's right, you weren't! " I was fuming.

"Lennon, I just---"

"Don't say anything Matt because there is no way that you can weasel yourself out of this one! There are no excuses and we are done. Leave. Now!"

His head dropped. I have never talked to anyone like that, let alone my best friend but how could he follow me like that? Why would he follow me? I just didn't know how long it would take me to forgive him. He slowly walked away.

"Lennon, who was that?" My head shot around. I had completely forgot that Niall was right there the whole time. What if he thought Matt was my boyfriend? Matt ruined everything: the day, the moment, the kiss.

"No one, Niall. No one important."


I'm really proud of this chapter. COMMENT AND VOTE PLEASE!!

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