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I stretched out my arms and yawned really obnoxiously, kicking my feet out from under the comforter. I glanced over at the time: 7:42. Ehh, why was I up this early? I pondered falling back asleep but figured since I was already up, I might as well get ready for the day.

After I took a shower, I twisted my hair up in a towel and sat on my bed. I grabbed my phone and pulled it out of the charger. When I unlocked it, it went straight to my pictures, pictures of the ocean, the boys. Suddenly, the events of yesterday all came flooding back: the beach, Niall, the campfire, Niall, Niall. I couldn't hold back a smile.


I grabbed my room key and some money, opened the door to my room, and tripped-- graceful. I picked myself up and shook my head, sighing at my clumsiness.

As I stood on the elevator, I suddenly remembered what would be happening today, Emma was coming! I let out a small squeal and clapped my hands together-- good thing I was alone on this elevator. I quickly pulled out my phone and texted her:

'What time should I be expecting you?'

I figured I wouldn't get a text back any time soon considering she was one to sleep in. I slid my phone into my pocket and strolled over to the Starbucks down the block, aka my second home.

"Morning Lennon. The usual, right?" a familiar employee asked as I entered the store. I found it so cool that I had a 'usual.' It was like a movie!!

"Good morning David. That's perfect thanks." As I walked over to a table by the window, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, it was a text from Emma.

'Why on earth are you up this early? I guess I'm awake now... Be at your place in 2 hours. Shoot me the address!!'

I texted her the address as David walked over with my drink. David was a tall, dark-haired man. He looked to be about in his late twenties. He had a thick, almost hard to understand, Scottish accent, and he was always smiling.

"Here you are," he exclaimed.

"Thanks," I said giving him a bit of cash. "Oh David," I called just as he turned to go back to the counter.

He spun on his heels and turned to face me, "Yes?"

"Is Sandy working today?"

"Yes, she should be here in an hour."

"Thanks!" I said as he returned to his position at the counter.

I took a sip of my beverage as I wondered what Emma and I would be up to today.


I tossed my empty cup in the trash and walked over to greet Sandy at the door (I had been sitting on a comfy armchair in the front-corner of the Starbucks. I had a new Agatha Christie book that I picked up at a local book store and I had cozied up in front of the fire place).

"Hey hun," she said, as she gave me a tight hug.

"Hey Sandy, how has your week been?" I asked as she hung up her wet coat on the coat-rack and shook out her umbrella. Since I had arrived at the Starbucks, it had started raining. I loved the rain so I didn't really mind the familiar English weather.

"Very uneventful!!" she giggled.

"Unfortunately, I can't say the same," I said smiling.

"Do tell, love!" She walked behind the counter and rested her head on her hands which were propped up by her elbows.

I blushed slightly and she gave me a look. She already knew that Zac and I didn't really work out so she was probably curious as to who I was blushing about. "Well I went to the beach yesterday with an old friend and his friends."

A Happily Never After (A Niall Horan Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now