Chapter 4

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"I can't trust Ron anymore." Said Hermione. She followed Lavender and Ron as they went to the flied

"Ok Ron, love ya" Said Lavender, Ron put his arm around her and kissed her,

"NO" whispered hermione. Then Lavender leaded him to her dorm " Bye Ronny Boo" said Lavender

" BYe Lav " said Ron. he turned around and saw Hermione

"Oh, it's not what you think-" he said

" No it is exactly what i think!" said Hermione then stormed away.

"No Hermione come back. Let me explain!" Ron pleaded. Hermione came back but did not listen.

" No need to explain Ron, i get it you like lavender not me and you waited till the war to see her not me !" shouted Hermione

"no we're are just friends !" said Ron trying to conceive Hermione

" if your just friends you don't Kiss !" Said Hermione even more mad

" im sorry" said Ron, Lavender came out and said

" Hermione , Hi" then she kissed him, in front of Hermione. Hermione ran up to her and slap her as hard as she could. Then she went up to Ron

"It's OVER" she screamed in his face then stormed off.Ron frowned as she left.Oh she was going to get them back, with a side of revenge.

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