Chapter 15

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"You DIDN'T punish them" snape yelled at Mcgonagall. "No I did not after all, they can be in love can't they?" Professor Mcgonagall asked. "They can't !" said Professor Snape."Let them, i said that already , so stop trying!" said the headmistress. "Fine!"said Professor Snape walking ,He wasn't fine  with that, oh no. " Hi Draco , can I sit here ?" Said Lavender " No, Hermione is ." said Draco putting his hand on the seat. Hermione came and sat right next to the draco " Hi , what's with Lavender? " asked Hermione " i think she wants to trick ron or something ." said Draco , "How do you know?" said Lavender coming back " Because you tried to kill ME this morning ." Said Draco backing away from Lavender with Hermione " Well, you're right" Responded Lavender walking away to find ron. "You said I'm not enough Ron." Shouted Lavender a few rooms away. " I lied to her! okay ?" shouted Ron back at Lavender . "See he lied to you." said Draco. "I knowHe did , Draco." said Hermione as they walked away. " You're coming with me !" Said Professor Snape as he grabbed  Draco. "How many times do i have to say this!" said the Headmistress " I  won't punish them" shouted the headmistress " Why!" said Professor Snape angry  " then that rule is now GONE from the rulebook." said the Headmistress calmly " NO" shouted  Professor Snape "I guess you want to be taken out hogwarts then ." Said the Headmistress. "No, fine mudbloods can date purebloods now." Said Professor Snape looking down.  "Yes' whispered Draco and Hermione in unison.  They each went to their own dorms. " Now mudbloods can date Purebloods!" Hermione wrote in her diary.

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