Chapter 7

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"Wha-what" Hermione was suddenly frightened.

"I wasn't acting" Draco repeated looking up at Hermione.

"I love you Hermione. I always have. I was mean to you in the past because I loved you."

"Oh Draco" Hermione couldn't say anything more than that.

- Later that night, Hermione told Ginny everything that happened.

"OMG HE LOVES YOU!!!!" she screamed of excitement.

"Yes" Hermione replied.

"Wait... do you love him?" she suddenly asked.

"Oh.... i don't know Gin" She replied looking down.

- Hermione was headed for potions when she saw Draco and his best friend Blaise Zabini. She tried to just slip away but she couldn't in time.

"Hey Hermione didga hear Drakie in love wit ya" Blaise said obviously trying to tease us both.

"Blaise shut up, and yes she already knows." Draco muttered. He walked right past and whispered something to Hermione.

"I am sorry if this frightens you but, i fall in love with  you every single day." Hermione says back

"it doesn't scare me, it's just surprising." 
- She got to potions and told Ginny everything that just happened. Ginny looked over at Draco then Hermione and was teasing her.
- Hermione could not sleep that night. She was too busy thinking about Draco.

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