Chapter 23

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One month after they got back from their honeymoon, Hermione noticed a sharp pain in her stomach. She told Draco about it and he told her to keep an eye on it. She decided it was probably nothing. Later, she felt the pain again and this time, Draco took her to the hospital. He was told to step out for x-rays.

"I'll be ok, go" Hermione reassured him. After the hospital visit, Hermione told Draco what had happened.

"Hey Draco, there is something I have to tell you." she nervously started.

"Are you ok? Tell me everything the doctor said." Draco started to get worried.

"I will have to go back to the hospital every two months for the next 6 months." she said.

"Why" Draco wanted to know.

" Draco, can't you see what I am trying to say?!" she asked him.

"I'm pregnant Draco!" she finally said barely audible.

"W-W-what?" Draco asked.

" I'm pregnant" she repeated louder this time


"Surprise" Hermione half whispered half normally said. 

"I am. I REALLY AM!! THIS IS AMAZING!" Draco exclaimed spinning Hermione up in the air. "Stop" she said laughing. "It's not good for the baby"

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