Chapter 9

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A couple of mornings later, Hermione woke up with a strange feeling in her stomach. She seemed excited about something but what? Then she thought about Draco.

"Draco?" she accidently said aloud.

"What?" asked Ginny.

"Oh um nothing." Hermione nervously said.

"Wait you love him. I know you do!" Ginny squealed in excitement.

"No I don't." but in truth, Hermione was not sure she totally believed what she said.

- In potions, she was asked to identify a certain potion. A love potion.

"What do you smell Ms. -Granger?" Snape asked her in potions. She walked up and smelled the potion.

"I smell freshly mown green grass, the mist of the dungeons, and.... Spearmint toothpaste." Hermione said. In truth she knew she did not smell spearmint toothpaste. She smelled cologne.....Dracos  cologne And she knew that too but she could not say it out loud because that would ruin her reputation. Everyone would think that she was in love with him but she really wasn't. Was she? But her thoughts were interrupted by Professor Snape's monotone and flat voice.

"Mr. Malfoy, What do you smell?" He suddenly asked Draco. Draco walked nervously up to the love potion and smelled it.

"I smell freshly picked strawberries in a field of raspberries." He said as he secretly glanced at Hermione in a way that only she could see it. And she knew he was talking about the strawberry chapstick she had on the day they kissed.

"I also smell beautiful sunflowers a crisp golden yellow color and I smell cinnamon." Hermione did not know that he was talking entirely about her. No one did. He kept it a secret.

- At lunch, all Hermione did was look at Draco. She couldn't even eat, or talk, or listen. It was like she was in a dream. Or maybe she was daydreaming. She didn't know but it felt weird to actually stare at Draco. He caught her staring and blushed. They looked into each others eyes and Hermione saw something strong. Not fear, love. Draco looked deep into her eyes and he saw something. Something he wasn't quite sure of but he knew he saw it. Hermione realized they were staring at each other and she looked away. She could feel her face heat up.
Later that night, Hermione sat in the common room writing in her diary. Ron suddenly came bursting through the door.

"SO YOU AND MALFOY NOW???" He yelled coming towards her.

"What, no where did you hear that from?" she asked confused.

"LAV AND I SAW YOU TWO MADLY IN LOVE THE OTHER DAY! I DATE ANOTHER GIRL AND THIS IS HOW YOU TREAT ME!!!!" Ron yelled and stormed to his dorm. Hermione ran out and as she turned the corner, she ran into Draco.

"Woah Granger.. You alright?" he asked running into her.

"No, he is mad at me because he thinks we are really in love but we are not." she cried.

"Hey, it is ok. That was revenge remember. You are going to be fine. If he never forgives you, just remember that some of us will forgive anything you do. We  are the people that really love you. Let's see, there is Ginny Weasley, Harry Potter, and.. Well Me. I love you and that is all that matters at this moment.  Just remember that." he comforted her.

"Thanks Malfoy" Hermione said hugging him. The next morning, Hermione woke up and realized something.

"Oh my gosh!" she exclaimed.

"What happened? Are you ok?" Ginny asked worriedly.

"I love him." Hermione muttered.

"What?!" Ginny started getting excited.

"I love Draco Malfoy!" Hermione realized.


"But he can't know. Not yet." Hermione commanded.

Oh. ok"

"So how are things between you and Blaise Zabini?"

"oh:" said Ginny blushing.

"I haven't actually talked to him and told him how I feel yet"

"oh you should!" now it was Hermione getting excited. They ran through the halls to get to the dungeons when they ran into Draco and Blaise.

"Go Ginny" hermione whispered. "Hey Draco can i talk to you for a moment?" she asked Draco.

"Sure" he responded half smiling at her. They walked away.

"Hey Malfoy, thanks for helping me get revenge. I actually believed the acting. Also thank you for comforting me last night. I needed it."

"you're welcome," Draco responded as he grabbed her chin and looked into her beautiful brown eyes. "anyways gotta go bye Draco" She was so beautiful.he thought

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