Chapter 12

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"Ginny!! I have a boyfriend" Hermione exclaimed when she saw Ginny in the halls. "Tell me all of the tea sis" she responded excitedly. Hermione tried to tell her everything but some moments in your life are unexplainable. Some are just too magical to explain. - At dinner that night Hermione and Draco could not keep their eyes away from each other. They kept staring at each other and smiling. Once in a while Draco would wink at her and she would blush. They were the perfect couple. After dinner was over, Hermione ran up to the Slytherin table and grabbed his hand. He laughed slightly and put his arm around her waist not caring who saw. "Headmistress i think we should fix this. This is not right. A pureblood with a mudblood and they even look like they are in love." Professor Snape said to Professor Mcgonagall. "Just leave it be Severus" "but headmistress -" "like you said severus, they look like they are madly in love. They look happy. Let us not meddle and just leave it be." she commanded and Snape said no more. Once Draco and Hermione were out, they went into the Room of Requirement and Draco pushed Hermione  up against the wall and started to snog her. "I love you so much" he said in between kisses. He stopped kissing her and told her "Hermione, you are the most beautiful person in the world. I am very lucky to have you as my girlfriend," he smiled and looked into her eyes. Draco pressed his lips against hers and the kiss was immediately deepened and more passionate because of hermione. They were too busy to notice someone walking in. "woah Mudblood..." someone said. "GET OUT WEASEL AND LEAVE MY GIRLFRIEND AND I ALONE!!!!" yelled Draco trying to defend Hermione. They suddenly hear laughter behind him. "Hey Malfoy, can you leave for a minute, I need to talk to Granger. Alone." Ron practically begged. "No. what you have to say you can say to both of us. And make it quick. We are a little busy." Draco demanded while making a motion with his hands to Hermione to come out. Hermione unbuttoned the first three buttons of her shirt and untied her tie to make it look like they were busy doing something else so Ron would go away faster. Then she slipped out of the the dark corner and wrapped an arm around Dracos waist and hugged him tight. "First of all, you can not be doing that kind of thing to Granger you little ferret." Ron screamed noticing what hermione was doing with her hand. Dracos tie was off and his shirt was unbuttoned, exposing his bare chest which Hermione thought was hot. Ron saw hermione moving her fingers across his chest which made him mad. "Second of all, if you wanted to date someone else Granger, you could have picked anyone else. Why Malfoy? Is it because you are trying to bother me? Is it because you want attention?" he yelled at Hermione. "No it is because I love him. I always have and I always will. He is the one and we were made for each other. If you can't handle that then leave." Hermione said, which made her feel brave. Maybe this is why the sorting hat decided she would do well in Gryffindor. "Lastly, I love you hermione. I always will. Lavender isn't enough. I need you." ron confessed. "Well Ron I don't love you. And I will never again. I have Draco. Draco, Ginny, and Harry. And that is all I need. Goodbye" Hermione said as she  threw Ron out and shut the door. "You should lock it for good measure." Draco said smiling. Hermione did. "Now where were we.?" Hermione asked seductively.  "We were right here" draco said as he started to kiss her passionately. She deepened the kiss and at that moment nothing else mattered. Nothing but his plump lips against her soft ones. They made a bed out of things they found in the ROR. Like  Blankets, and pillows. It was perfect. They laid down on the bed facing each other and began talking. They soon fell asleep holding hands.

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