Chapter 5

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" Dear Diary, Ron was cheating on me with Lavender, since like who knows how long ." Hermione wrote in her diary.

"I thought I trusted him but apparently i was wrong. I loved him. But he did not love me. If he wasn't interested in me why couldn't he have just broken up with me. No he had to cheat. Now i will get revenge on him. But with whom...." Hermione finished writing in her diary and decided it was time for bed. She could not sleep at all that night.

- After Transfiguration class, Hermione had Potions with the Slytherins...again. But for some odd reason, she seemed a little excited. As she reached the dungeons lost in thought, she accidently ran into Draco.

"Hey watch where you are going Granger" he smirked.

"Shut up Malfoy" she said back. Then she got an idea.. Ron hates Malfoy and i need revenge. Perfect...Malfoy.........He will hate this... She smiled as she thought. But as she was turning around to get his attention, Someone grabbed her waist and pulled her close to their face until she was inches away from their pale face. She looked deep into the eyes that were right in front of her.

"Draco" she barely even whispered. As they looked deep into each others eves, lost in the moment, everything around them seemed to vanish. They were the only people in existence.

"Hermione, I - I" He barely said.

"Yes?' She breathed back. Draco suddenly moved back and in his eyes, Hermione saw fear.

"I'll see ya around." He said as he walked away.

"Dra-Malfoy wait..." she suddenly said.

"Yea Granger?" He stopped walking and turned around. He had almost looked hopeful for something.

"I need your help with something." she said looking at him.

" Really? Me? okay.....What is it?" he asked

"Revenge" she responded. "Revenge on Ronald Weasley" She said.

"Why, I thought you were dating?"

"We were, but he cheated on me so I need to get revenge. And I need you. I need you to pretend you are in love with me. Can you do that?"

"Yes I am sure I can" he seemed certain when he said d it so Hermione believed him.

"here is the plan, we are going to pretend to be in love and we will make out when they come near us. I know that is the last thing you want to do with the enemy but in order to help me, you have to do this" she ordered

"ok sure" he said willingly. Hermione starts thinking about the plan and how amazing it is going to be.

"You sure you can handle this? I mean we have to be in LOVE and I mean love." She said suddenly.

"Yea it will be easy. Anyways can you text?"he asked

"Yea here is my number so then I can text you when it is go time ok?"

"but that is the only time we will text." Hermione said undoubtedly

"Yea" he said quietly. They go to potions and Hermione sit next to Ginny and tell her the plan. Which she surprisingly approved of. Right now, she was mad at her brother so she thought it is a great idea to get him back for what he did.

Later that night,Hermione grabbed her diary.

"Today, he grabbed my waist and pulled me close. He looked deep into my eyes and i felt something. I am not really sure what it was but I know I felt it..." She smiled as she was remembering the moment. Just then, Ron walks in with Lavender practically tangled up with him. Hermione looks up and rolls her eyes.

"Oh Granger, you are here. Can you leave? I am a little busy at the moment" Suddenly Hermione felt her face heat up with anger.

"HOW DARE YOU RONALD WEASLEY!!!! IF YOU DID NOT LOVE ME WHY COULDN'T YOU HAVE TOLD ME INSTEAD OF CHEATING ON ME!!!!!!!! I HATE YOU WEASEL!!!!!!!!!!!!" Hermione yelled and then slapped Ron across the face so hard you could hear it if you were in the Slytherin dormitory across the school. Then she punched Lavender in the gut til she fell over. Then she stormed to her room and cried the rest of the night.

"Why do i have to cry over that WEASEL"said Hermione then fell asleep

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