Chapter 16

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It was the day that Hermione turned 18. She was so excited. "Hey Draco." she said as she walked up to him. "Happy Birthday babe!" he said embracing her in a big hug that Hermione really enjoyed. He pecked her on the head and gave her a small box. A bracelet and necklace. "They are beautiful thank you so much." Hermione gasped "Slytherin to represent me, and there are two necklaces." draco teased. "I will always think of you when I wear them. Here I know one of the necklaces is for you." Hermione said. "Which one do you want?" she asked. "The gold one. To represent Gryffindor" he smiled.  They went to the Great Hall for breakfast. "Happy Birthday Hermione" Ginny yelled as she gave Hermione a beautiful set of rose earrings. "Thank you Ginny. They are so beautiful." - Later that night, Hermione met Draco in ROR. "Hey Hermione" he turned around and looked at her brown eyes. "You are so beautiful." They sat down and started talking.  He suddenly grabbed hermione and kissed her. She was on her knees and Draco had his legs up with his feet on the floor.He was more in love with her than words could explain. Later they were looking up at the stars from the balcony  in the ROR. They were sitting on the balcony in silence when Hermione put her head on Draco's lap and fell asleep. Draco stayed up a little longer looking up at the sky. He kept looking down at hermione sleeping on his lap. He got up to get a blanket which was hard to do since she was on his lap. He came back and laid down. She woke up and put her head on his chest so she could A. have a pillow. B. Hear his heartbeat. Hearing his heart was one of the only things keeping her alive. She smiled as she listened to his heart and was soon asleep. He put the blanket on top of them and went to sleep. All he dreamt about was Hermione Granger.The next morning when he woke up,  Draco looked  out the balcony and saw the same spot where Hermione punched him when he was leaning on the stone. He laughed at how they were dating now.  "Draco?" Hermione said yawing. "Hermione" Draco said she stood up but  Draco was faster. He decided to kiss her. Like usual, it was magical,not just because they were in a school of magic, but because they could feel a blazing fire and everything around them disappeared. - Later that day, Hermione was walking to the dungeons when someone pushed her into an abandoned classroom.  "Oh Dra-" she started to say but was interrupted. "Listen Granger, I miss you, I want you back into my life. She isn't enough for me. I will get you back. Even if I have to break you two up." a voice told her. She was thrown out. A few hours later, Ron and Draco both walk towards Hermione but Ron gets there first. "Hey babe, did ya miss me? He said "what- I" Ron leaned in and kissed her passionately. It felt weird to have Ron kiss her because she was so used to Draco kissing her.  Neither of them felt a spark so they knew their love was officially gone. "GET YOUR FILTHY BACKSTABBING LIPS OFF OF MY GIRLFRIEND!!" Draco yelled from behind. Hermione pushed Ron away and slapped him as hard as she could that it sounded like his  cheek bone broke "YOU, WEASEL GET OFF OF ME!!!"  She ran to Draco and started crying. He held her in his loving arms and comforted her. "It is not your fault. He is just a bloody traitor. I love you hermione. You are ok. You are safe." he said in his calm soothing voice which always seemed to calm her down. Then Draco ran up to Ron and punched him .They reported him  to Professor Mcgonagall. "RONALD WEASLEY!!" Mcgonagall yelled at him. " You do realize that Hermione is taken right?" "yes but I want her back so i decided to make it look like she was cheating on him so she would have no one left but me." "This is harassment Mr. Weasley and for your punishment... You and your future family are never allowed to set foot anywhere near platform  9 ¾ or any of the Hogwarts grounds again. Pack up your stuff. GOODBYE .WEASEL!"

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