Chapter 6

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The day of the plan came. Hermione was very nervous. She texted Draco:

"Its go time, meet me in the dungeons in 10 minutes" she texted

"ok see ya then Granger ;)" He texted. Hermione could already hear his voice in her head.

~ 10 minutes later~

Hermione arrived at the dungeons and waited for Draco. She suddenly saw Lavender and Ron coming around the corner.

"Come on Draco" she said really quietly. As she said that, someone grabbed her from behind and embraced her in a hug.

"Hey babe, did ya miss me?" Draco said.

"Oh Draco of course." Hermione said turning around. Suddenly Draco saw Ron staring at them and moved closer to Hermione and pressed his lips against her despite their plan. Meanwhile Ron looked so furious standing behind them.

"Hermione..." said draco after a full minute of kissing. And secretly, Hermione thought three  things.. 1. It sounded really nice to hear Draco call her by her first name. 2. In a way, she felt disappointed that the kiss ended so soon.3 he was really good at acting

"Yes Draco" Hermione said lovingly. Draco thought that 1. Hermione saying his name was really cute. 2 she was really good at acting 3 the kiss felt really nice.

"I love you Hermione." he finally said as he looked into her eyes.

"Oh Draco" Hermione breathed.  She looked into his eyes and at that moment, Ron and Lavender left. Hermione realized that and quickly looked away and backed away from Draco.

"That was really good acting Malfoy." Hermione complimented.

"I wasn't acting" Draco said looking down.

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