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Hermione waved goodbye to her daughter as she and her husband drove away... on their way to their honeymoon. Luna Malfoy, a forever Slytherin. Alex Zabini a Hufflepuff. They  hated each other.... Her son Liam Malfoy had his eye on this one girl... even though they were not allowed to get married for at least two years.... and she had a major crush on him...

"Moom.... Why can't I marry her now?" Hermione's 19 year old son complained.

"You are too young." she explained.

"Hey mom can I ask you something? In private" he asked.

"Sure" they went and talked. Liam came back and pulled the girl aside.

"Listen, this may come as a shock but I am in love with you. And I need to talk to you." He confessed.

"Ok" she said blushing. " Lizzie Brown. I know we are best friends but.. I love you. Do you love me?" He asked.

"Yes.. Yes I do love you Liam Malfoy." she admitted.

"I know our parents did not get along as kids... Lizzie Brown... I love you... I have since I first met you... you are the best thing that has ever happened to me.." now he was down on one knee.

"Lizzie  Brown... will you marry me?" he nervously asked. She looked shocked.

"YES" she finally said.

"YES I WILL" Liam stood up and kissed her as he slipped the beautiful gold ring on her finger.

"Lizzie, I can't marry you for two years though," Liam said sadly.

"Actually, you may...." Hermione came out of nowhere.

"You have one year.. Then you can get married." she smiled.

"THANK YOU MOM" Liam ran up to her and hugged her. Liam's dream had officially come true......           

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