Chapter 11

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A few days later, Hermione was on her way to potions when someone grabbed her and pushed her inside an abandoned classroom. "Hey what was that-" she started to say. "Hermione" Draco breathed. He grabbed her chin and looked deep into her brown eyes. He pushed his lips against hers. They both felt a blazing fire and knew that neither of them were acting this time. It was real. Hermione deepened the kiss and as the kiss became even more passionate, everything around them seemed to disappear. Finally after 3 minutes, they had to pull apart for air. "Draco" hermione barely even said.  "Yes Hermione" he responded quietly. After a few minutes of silently staring into each other's eyes, she finally said"I love you Draco Malfoy." "I love you Hermione Granger" " YOU SAID THAT LIKE 5 TIMES" hermione said smiling. "I know" Draco said lightly kissing her. "I just love you so much" "I love you so much more Draco" "Just to let you know, it is Saturday. We have no school." Draco said smiling "oh right" Hermione blushed. "That is ok we have more time for each other." Draco said smirking. He kissed her again but this time, they both knew the truth, which made it even more magical. They kissed more passionately than ever before. WHen they had pulled apart Draco decided it was a good time to ask. "Hermione, will you be girlfriend?'  he suddenly asked. "What?" she responded. "Would you like to be my girlfriend." he repeated. "YES of course"

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