Chapter 26

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"Faster!!" Said Draco with Hermione in his lap.''I'm trying,get ready we're almost here,"Said Narcissa . Draco grabbed Hermione and rushed into St. Mungos ''DOCTOR"Shouted Draco, a doctor ran over and took Hermione into a room with other doctors. "Mr.. Malfoy ?" called one of the doctors. "Yes?''Said Draco worried "She's okay, she got hit by many spells , but she's can take her after i call you again" said the doctor. "Can i go in?" asked Draco ''Yes, you may." said the doctor. Draco opened the door " Hermione" said Draco. "Draco.." Said Hermione sitting up. "Your Okay" Said Draco holding Luna happily. "But, Draco I thought  Bellatrix  was dead." Said Hermione "we'll now she is' ' Said Draco. "She'll have to stay here till tomorrow." Said The doctor.''Okay" Said Draco leaving. As Draco walked down the halls he spotted someone, not just anyone. "Hello Draco."Said Ron "Your hard to find." "RON ''Said Draco puzzled.  "So, how's Hermione ?" asked Ron.
"Ron, why would I tell you?" Said Draco , Ron started to walk to the door where Hermione was.Draco ran after him "Hello, Hermione" said Ron "RON!!" Said Hermione, all the guards ran and grabbed him. "Bye Hermione."Said Ron as the guards pulled him away. Hermione watched as they took him away, this time for a life sentence. Draco was still in shock as they took out Ron. Draco called Harry "HARRY, RON HAS A LIFE SENTENCE AT AZKABAN" Said Draco as he saw Harry coming to him. "REALLY" Asked Harry "Yeah" Said Draco. "Thank goodness" They went home and later that night all 10 of them including Draco, Hermione, Ginny, Blaise, Harry, Cho, Jasmine, Alex,Luna, and Narcissa, all had a party to celebrate Hermione's health, Ron's arrest, and bellatrix Lestrange and Lucius Malfoy's deaths. "Hermione, I want to apologize for me and my ex husband's behavior towards you and your family. I never actually hated you. I never wanted to be evil but once i married Lucius, I was trapped into it and i could not get out of it. And when we kidnapped you and your beautiful daughter, he tortured me so that I would help him. Please forgive me, ''Narcissa confessed. "Oh of course i forgive you" Hermione said while giving Narcissa a hug......... they partied until the night ended and it was almost dawn before any of them went to bed. 

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