Chapter 24

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Draco was nervously waiting outside the doors. They had heard it was a girl. Draco looked outside a window, it was a full moon.

"Mr.Malfoy, you may see the baby." Said one of the doctors told Draco. He went inside,and the baby had beachy blonde hair.

"What should we name her Draco ?" asked Hermione,

"Luna ?" asked Draco "Okay, that's a great name" Replied Hermione.

"Luna Malfoy" said Hermione smiling. A few days later,

"Guess what Hermione." Ginny exclaimed as Draco and Hermione were at their house

. "What?" Hermione asked holding Luna. "I'm pregnant!With twins!" Ginny yelled.

"OMG that is amazing Ginn! How far along are you?" she asked.

"Two weeks": Said Ginny putting one hand on her slightly swollen stomach. 

"Boy and girl !" Added in Blaise.

"Awwwww" Draco and Hermione said in unison.

A few months later. A knock on the door came. Hermione placed Luna on the floor and answered the door.

"Ginny !"Said Hermione.

"Hey Hermione" Said Ginny holding two babies in her hands.

"OMG"said Hermione notching the babies.Draco walked and saw the babies in Ginny's hand.

"Aww" said Draco. " What's their name ?"

"Jasmine and Alex"

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