Chapter 14

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Hermione met Draco in the room of requirement after dinner in the great hall that night. As she went in there, she could tell that Draco was waiting for her. His Shirt unbuttoned.. Again. "Hi Hermione,"Draco said, walking up to her. "Hi Draco" hermione responded. Draco pressed his lips against hers as she was pushed against the wall. She remembered that his shirt was unbuttoned so she slid the sleeves down his arms and took the shirt entirely off. Then she put one hand on his chest and started moving her fingers against it. Her other hand went up to his hair. She moved her fingers through the tufts of his hair. Draco decided to just unbutton Hermione's shirt. After doing so, he moved his right hand up under her shirt and stopped when he got to her upper back. He pulled her closer. His other hand was gently placed on the back of her head. When they finally pulled apart for air, Hermione realized that she had messed up Draco's hair. They moved to the ROR  but as they were trying to move secretly and silently, one person in particular caught them red handed. "What do you think the two of you are doing out of bed together at this hour." Snape asked. "Oh we had a project to work on so we met up near this closet and now we're on our  way to the library."Hermione brilliantly lied. "I don't believe that for a second. Come with me. We are going to see the headmistress." "I am sorry. I got you into trouble"he whispered to hermione. "If it was with you, it was well worth it." she whispered back smiling. By this point, they both had their shirts all buttoned up so snape had almost no evidence. Professor Mcgonagall would like to see you now." Snape said to them snarling. Draco and Hermione walked in. "Good evening children. Do sit down." professor Mcgonagall instructed. Once they sat down, Draco grabbed Hermione's hand and looked at her. She smiled at him.  "Professor it is not what you think" Draco said. "Oh my dear boy but it is. You two are in love and all you want to do is be together..alone. I do not think you should be in trouble here, for you did not do anything." She said, Draco and Hermione exchanged glances. They thought they were going to get in so much trouble. "But if it does happen again, you will be punished. Ok dears?" "Yes professor." "Now off to bed" they left and went to the ROR. They made a bed and fell asleep side by side. -the next morning, Draco wakes up and realizes that Hermione had stolen all of the blankets. Usually that would upset him but today, he didn't really care. After all, he loved Hermione more than life itself so he was pretty chill about it. Hermione woke up. "Good morning Draco"She said rubbing her eyes. "Good morning Hermione" Draco said smiling. They talked as they got dressed and then Hermione grabbed her stuff, kissed Draco, and they left and went to the Great Hall together hand in hand. They did not care who saw them. Hermione convinced Draco to sit at the Gryffindor table with her. He did.

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