Chapter 17

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"I got a present ! " said Draco . "What ? I'm trying to sleep, it's 5 am Draco." Said Hermione half awake. "We are going to London!" said Draco excitedly . Hermione jumped up and the puppy ran away scared " No way !" said Hermione. "Yeah, Brush your teeth you stink, haha" Said Draco."Hey get back here!"Shouted Hermione as Draco ran away, she chased him around the ror. Draco was on the floor with Hermione putting her foot on his foot trumihply on his chest and smirking "Hahahaha" laughed Hermione as she walked away to get ready and pack. A few hours later she was ready , so was Draco. She jumped on his back without Draco knowing.   "ahhh" shouted Draco "Hey, don't fall you'll kill me too!" Hermione said jokingly. Draco laughed while grabbing their bags. Hermione was wearing a teal long sleeve sweatshirt that was too big for her and the sleeves fell down Draco's chest, and some jeans and some sneakers. Draco was wearing a t-shirt and some jeans with sneakers too. As they walked down the halls "OMG THEY LOOK  CUTE" squealed Ginny in excitement.Draco was walking to a taxi with Hermione on his back with a big grin on her face , the puppy was following them because Hermione was holding a leash.  "Peanut, come in the taxi !' said Hermione. They named him peanut because his fur was light brown. As if Peanut understanded what she said, the puppy jumped in the taxi into Draco's lap "Hermione!, it's trying to bond again." said Draco. She just laughed at Draco without doing anything " what are you doing get it off my lap !" said Draco. "Fine"said Hermione , she picked up the puppy and put it in her lap . a few hours later. "Welcome to Hoggins Hotels !" Said a person working at a hotel " Hi, we have room 49." said Draco " okay for Mrs. Malfoy and Mr.Malfoy, right ?" Said the worker "Yes" Said Draco "Bu-"said Hermione, Once they made it to the room Draco said "They only let Married people get the big rooms that's why." " Oh, Thanks!" Said Hermione "I mean I would marry you anyways !" Hermione added in. "I know you would"Replied Draco. He grinned. "Woof , Woof" barked the dog. Peanut was laying on the bed. " Get off Peanut, Please."said Hermione. "Woof woof" barked the dog again. "Goodnight, Draco"Said Hermione, "Good night Hermione" said Draco. Hermione fell asleep before Draco,he lightly kissed her forehead,and read a little. then went to sleep.

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