Chapter 22

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The day of the wedding finally came. Draco was getting ready with Blaise, Harry, and Crabbe at Blaises house. " I am so nervous," Draco stuttered. "What if she decides she doesn't want to marry me."  "Listen Draco, she will marry you, she loves you more than anything in the world and she is not about to back out of this." Harry ressured. Meanwhile at Ginny's house Hermione, Ginny, and a very pregnant Cho are getting ready. Neither of them really minded each other since Ginny and Harry ended at a good place. They were at Harry and Cho's wedding so they decided to have her at their wedding. Cho and Harry were both at the wedding. "Hey Gin, what if he decides to leave me at the isle.What would i do?"Hermione asked worriedly. "He won't Hermione, he loves you." Ginny tried calming her down. - as hermione walked down the aisle, everyone could probably tell she was nervous. But at least she had her best friend right beside her. "Do you Hermione Granger and Ginny Weasley take Blaise Zabini and Draco Malfoy to be your husbands?" "I do" they both said in unison. "Do you Draco Malfoy and Blaise Zabini take Hermione Granger and Ginny Weasley to be your wives?" "I do" "Kiss the brides" the priest said as he ended the ceremony. Now it was time for the reception. They danced , ate, and had the others say a speech about each other. "Hermione Malfoy is my best friend." Ginny started. "When we were at Hogwarts a few years ago, she went through a difficult time and the entire time, Draco was there for her. And to be honest, I knew that this would happen. Ever since the day they met, I had a theory in my head. And today, I got to witness that theory come to life." By this point, Ginny was crying. "Congratulations draco and Hermione. May your love for each other grow stronger every day." By this point, it was Hermione who was crying. Then it was time for Blaises speech."Draco Malfoy is my best friend." He started. "I wouldn't let anything happen to him. But when he confessed his love for Hermione to me, I was secretly hoping they would work out. So every time he was around Hermione , I would watch where they were going to check just in case he needed me. He never did. But when Snape caught them, Ginny and I made sure we  got to Professor Mcgonagall's office before he did so that we could explain their undying love for each other and how they couldn't get in trouble." "Wait.. you DID?" Hermione suddenly asked. " And when Ron was trying to get you back into his life Hermione, we tried to hex him and kill him so he could not get to you. We did all of that to protect you guys and your love. We did not want anything to happen to you guys because we love you. We always will. Congratulations and may you guys love each other forever but never forget who your friends are." Now it was Draco who was crying. "Thank you Blaise. I love you too." he hugged him. "I love you Ginny. Thank you." Hermione said, hugging her. The wedding was over and it was time for the honeymoons. Hermione and Draco were going to Paris and Ginny and Blaise were going to Italy.

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