Chapter 25

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Draco woke up the next morning to find Hermione gone. He went to Luna's room expecting her to be there and she wasn't. Luna was gone too.

"Hermione? Luna?" he called out. No answer. He called a little louder. Still nothing. Draco looked  around the house for them, still nothing . Draco started worrying even more. Suddenly, he looked up at the wall and saw a piece of paper pinned to the wall. He walked over to it and took it down. HE read it. It said.... You have two options: you will either let me kill you and i will set them free or resist and i kill them. The only way to make me not kill them is if you can find them and save them in 12 hours if you do not get here in 12 hours, i WILL kill them. Both of them. REMEMBER THIS. PUREBLOODS DO NOT FALL IN LOVE WITH MUDBLOODS. It is FORBIDDEN.

"Oh no" he thought.

"Someone is going to kill Hermione and Luna. but who" Draco immediately went to Ginny and Blaises house.

"Hey Ginny, can I talk to you?" "Yes of course" as soon as they were alone Draco showed her the note. After she read it, she was crying.

"Luna and Hermione are missing. Someone took them" Draco said as he was crying. 

"We need to save them."Draco and Ginny leave her house and go to start their mission. Ginny texts Blaise and Harry and tells them what happened. They immediately respond saying  we are on our way. 

"Let's  not panic"

"HOW CAN WE NOT PANIC !!!!!" Shouted Draco

"Umm, your right."Respond Harry."Wait, My Dad and Mom said i can't love a mudblood" Said Draco hmm good point." Said Blaise.

"Okay,Let's find her not just stand here and GET TO HER." . A few minutes later.

"No,no,no,no" said Draco worried they wouldn't get there , it had already been 2 hours. ,

"Draco we have 10 hours." Said Ginny reassuring him.

"What if anything happens?"Said Draco

"My dad is impatient." " nothing will Draco , ifs aren't true." Said Ginny trying to calm down Draco , Meanwhile,

"LET GO OF ME" shouted Hermione trying to get free of Lucius Malfoy's tight hold on her arm,

"Aww what a cute child .Too bad her mom is a mudblood." Said Narcissa Malfoy holding Luna in her arms

"LUNA" shouted Hermione trying to extend her arm.,

"DON'T GET DISTRACTED" Demanded Lucius Malfoy.

"Bellatrix ?" Said Lucius Malfoy signaling for her to come out.

"Oh, Hermione , you thought you could escape huh? Well i don't think so sweetheart."Said Bellatrix laughing evilly. With Draco, Ginny, Harry , and Blaise.

"Is this  it ? " asked Harry parking the car. It was a cold, dark dungeon.

"My dad used to punish me here, so i think so"Replied Draco as they all got out of the car

"AHHHH"Screamed Hermione

"HERMIONE!!" shouted draco running to the entrance.  They walked into what looked like athen abandoned manor. "

I think we are alone" Ginny whispered to Draco.

"We are not. Hey we know you are in here. Come out now or we will make you." Draco shouted. "

Mwahaha" Said Bellatrix laughing like a maniac. Harry looked down and saw blood coming from one metal door. "Draco.." Said Harry pointing to the door.

NO" Draco grabbed a crowbar that was laying around a started to bang the door."

LET ME IN"Shouted Draco. "Stupefy" Said Bellatrix.

HERMIONE"Draco tried even harder. The door opened

. "Ah, Draco I thought I would be seeing you soon." A voice came out of nowhere. Suddenly Lucius Malfoy walked out.

"Father you did this?"  "Yes of course I did. Didn't you learn anything from what I taught you? I told you that dating a mudblood was strictly forbidden. You disobeyed me. You even had a baby with her. So now I am going to have to kill you." Lucius yelled raising his wand.  "NO" ginny screamed jumping out in front of Draco.


"No ginny. If he wants to kill me that is ok. I just want him to know that I hope my  family is ok. I would die to save the two people I love most."

"Y-y-your family?"


*hears a scream from another room*  "Hermione! what are you doing to her!" "Just torture. She is getting what she deserves."  "What does she deserve? What did she do to you to deserve this?" Draco ran past his father while Ginny, Harry, and Blaise were  holding him off.  He went in the direction of the scream. And what he saw made him break down and cry.  "HERMIONE! NO GET OFF  HER!" Draco yelled threatening the figure who was leaning over a body covered in blood.  "OH DRACO" the figure got up and started walking towards Draco.  "GET AWAY FROM ME BELLATRIX LESTRANGE." "Crucio" "ahhhhhhhhhh" "Expelliarmus" Draco hears a voice say behind him. Bellatrix's wand flies out of her hand
Draco looked  behind him to see Harry, Blaise, and Ginny all with their wands up. "Harry, Ginny, Blaise. Just in time, Blaise, Ginny can you go find Luna. Harry stayed here and helped""Ok sure" they all replied. "Crucio" Bellatrix yelled as soon as she grabbed her wand. "Avada kedavra". Bellatrix falls to the floor dead. They run up to Hermione. "Hermione are you ok" Draco asked"I -i- is she dead" Harry asked after they had gotten no answer from Hermione. "I don't know Harry' Draco answered.  They were both crying. "Text ginny and see if they had any luck yet." Draco ordered Harry. "Ok" Harry responded.  "No luck" Harry said after a few minutes. He sends a picture of hermione to Ginny with a crying emoji.  "That is awful" she responded after a while.  "Yes it is" he responded. Draco cried even more "Come quick" they hear Ginny yelling  from across the house.  Draco kissed Hermione and Harry and Draco got up and started running towards the scream.  They saw Ginny and Blaise in another room with a crib in it. But blocking Luna was Narcissa Malfoy who was looking down at Luna "She's a special little one. " said Narcissa Malfoy. She turned around.   "Mother i am warning back away from the crib or I will kill you. "Draco yelled raising his wand. Narcissa turned around and they all saw that her cheeks had been stained from crying.  She had been crying. "Listen Draco before you hurt me, I need to say something so just hear me out." "What" said Draco demanding an answer still holding his wand up. "Listen I had nothing to do with this. It was all your father. He tortured me so I would help him with this kidnapping. I did not want to swear. In fact, I never liked being evil. But once I married your father, I was trapped in it. I also did not hate Hermione. I am so sorry draco. Please forgive me. I am planning on leaving your father soon too." They all looked at her and they knew she was being sincere.  "Mother i-" Draco was now crying..again. He lowered his wand and went up to hug his mother. Just then Blaise yelled  "Draco watch out." Draco had barely dodged the spell that had come from nowhere.  'C'mon let's go."  Ginny, Draco, Blaise, and Harry all came out of the room wands at the ready. Spells kept flying everywhere. "Crucio" "Expelliarmus" "Sectumsempra" "Wingardium leviosa" Then the last spell was fired. not by Harry. Not by Draco. Not by Ginny.

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