Chapter 20

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It was the first day of college. A sign read "Hogwarts College". "Hermione come on you're so slow" siad Draco "Hey, At least, I'm not going on a trip !" Hermione Said back laughing. "Wow" said Hermione , They had made it to their small House. "Do you like it?" Asked Draco "No." Said Hermione "HEY I JUST BOUGHT IT"Shouted Draco. " I was  kidding , Chill Draco." Said Hermione running away. Meanwhile " So she lives here huh"Said Ron looking through a window. He was about to kidnap Hermione, "Goodnight" said Draco and Hermione to each other. "12 AM" the clock in their bedroom read. A window opened, "Ahh-" Hermione screamed , Ron covered her mouth. "Shh" he whispered in her ear. Ron took her into an old dusty room. "Hermione, Hermione where are you?" said Draco worried "She was mine, you took her" a note read on their bed. "Oh my god- did Ron kidnap Hermione?" Said Draco looking for more notes " In a Dusty room at 3576 Goblins Avenue " another note read "That's where she is " Said Draco. He hopped in his car. Draco looked at a sign that read " 3576 Goblins Avenue" "I made it " He tried to open the doors , they were locked . He tried again, "No, No" said Draco worried. He climbed the walls and saw an open window. "Yes" he said as he climbed through the window. It was pitch black "Ron, please no."said Hermione "Hah, Like I care." smirked Ron. Ron looked back "So you've come to see the show huh." Said Ron staring at Draco "Let her go Ron" said Draco walking up to with his hand in a fist "No!"said Hermione. "Who-" said Ron. "Let me!" she smirked, While Ron was talking to Draco she had untied herself . she punched Ron. He ran out of the building scared. She ran up to Draco and Hugged him. "Thanks for coming " Hermione said "All I want is for you to be safe."He said smiling. They went to Draco's car and went back home. A few days later, They got a newspaper from a random owl. "Look at this, Hermione" draco said handing her the paper. She read it aloud

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