building deeper

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Vanoss PDA: scan complete

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Vanoss PDA: scan complete . . . . . . the warper is an aggressive creatures which has the ability to teleport itself and others at will. There is no genetic crossover identify indigenous life forms and demonstrate no recognized defend behavior. It appears to hunt other life forms but no digestive organs have been identified. Unable to distinguished whether its organic or artificial in nature. Further study is required.

Vanoss pda was explaining the creature they all were defeating as they all got questions about it. Its clear that there is no creature in this planet that can teleport since its impossible. Its noted that the pda can't tell if this warper is organic or something else. The group couldn't think right now because of there fight with them. Tho one of them got an idea which is to bring it to there base and examine it further. So they did but was tricky because of the weight of the warper and how slow the seamoth would need to go. They drove to there base safely as some of them were looking around for those warpers to defend the area.

Inside of the base they all put the warper on the table as some went to relax for now. They now can check out the warper much better since its inside of there base. While they are examining the creature wildcat was in his room planing on there next move. It took wildcat to think but it was going a tough one but he will explain it later.

Back with the others they all scan the warper to see what happens. Unfortunately their pda still got the same results as vanoss pda said. It seems the pda can't identify it being something. Guess the pda was right tho because they need a further scan about the warper but where.

The team decided to get some rest for the day and hope for what's next for tomorrow. They all went to sleep but they also need to be on alert for those warpers that may come for them. Because now they are being targeted by them.

The next day

The whole group woke up and are now in the main area of their base. Wildcat thought of an idea but its a big one and will need some materials and something new. Wildcat had everyone at the table so he can explain what going to happen.

Wildcat: ok so i thought of something we are going to do

Vanoss: ok so what is it

Wildcat: we are going to build are new base deeper in the ocean

The group eyes were widen as to what wildcat said.

Terroriser: you want us to go deep are you insane

Basically: ya i mean how are we going to go down deep

Wildcat: look we have all we need is some more resources and we should build another cyclops

Delirious: ya but we don't know the ingredients for it

Vanoss: don't we already have a cyclops

Nogla: we do but we didn't use it a lot since we learn the seamoth

Team 6 of 4546B ( subnautica x vanoss crew )Where stories live. Discover now