planet 4546B

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Vanoss groan in pain as his head felt dizzy from what happened. He got up to look around only to that his friends were unconscious and the cave they were in was different. The cave was small and there were four stalagmite on the ceiling of the cave. There was small bits of grass all around the place and a pink mushroom of some kind. Vanoss turn around to see the diamond structure that they came through but was not active no more. Vanoss decided to wake the others up so that they can leave this cave.

Vanoss: delirious wake up man

Delirious: aww my head man wha what happened

Vanoss: i don't know but wake the others

Delirious did what vanoss told them and woke everyone up. They all woke and saw that the cave they were in was different and the diamond structure which they now assume it was a teleporter was no longer active.

Wildcat: ok so now what

Terroriser: i don't know

They all were questions on what to do no until basically spoke.

Basically: i don't know about ya but i suggest we get out of this cave

Nogla: i agree lads

Delirious: are you sure because we are sure where we are

Nogla: that is true

Terroriser: but we can't just stay in here and question on weather we leave or not

Wildcat: evan what do you say

Vanoss: i think we should leave this cave

Wildcat: ok well its decided

Terroriser: ya your right

Vanoss: alright than lets get out

The group agreed and they all decided to leave the cave but are not sure if they are in the same place or not. They then saw that there was a path that leads up instead of straight. As they went up they saw that there was light at the end of the cave.

Vanoss: huh its not that far now

Delirious: ya but lets not think an-

Terroriser: uh guys

All: what

Terroriser was froze in shock as what he is looking at. The group looked at what he saw and they to were in for a surprise. They see what looks like a spider but its body was circularly flat with one red spot in the middle of it. It had four legs small teeth and two dots for eyes. It was orange in color and it was wondering non a less. This thing is alien like but they aren't sure if its hostile.

Terroriser: what do we do

Delirious: well its just one so we should gang on it and kill it

Nogla: but what if its blood is acid like the movie

Wildcat: that could be true or not

Basically: well you guys can keep talking but im going to just kill it

Basically was walking up to the creature went the thing saw him and made a noise that is a threat. The creature than jump at basically trying to get on him. Basically got scared of this and dodge the creature jump but it landed on nogla's shirt.


Delirious: ill get it

The creature was crawling around nogla as delirious was trying to catch it but the creature was to fast.


Delirious: IM TRYING

nogla than started to try and grabbed the creature. The others were in shock of the sight but it ended when nogla managed to grab its legs and through it further in the cave.

Team 6 of 4546B ( subnautica x vanoss crew )Where stories live. Discover now