leviathan escape

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Vanoss and the others saw the creature charging at them as vanoss to everyone quickly.


Everyone's scattered to see if they confused the creatures only for it to go after a seamoth which is terrorisers. He looks back quickly and that the monster chasing him as great speed. Terroriser was trying to swift around making it difficult for the creature to catch him.

Terroriser thought it was working but the creature manage to grab a whole of the vehicle as it shakes it around. Terroriser was frightened as he was violently moving side to side in his seamoth. Terroriser use his pda to call for help.


They all heard terroriser in the pda as they went to go help him. They can see the seamoth in the mandible of the creature as it was shaking it with terroriser inside.

Wildcat: guys what do we do

Delirious: i got one

Delirious drove pass them as he was going straight tours the creature. He was going at it full speed to the side of it was if he was going to hit it.

Terroriser can see a seamoth charging at the creature as he can see it was delirious.

Delirious: hay hand off my friend

Delirious hit the side of the creature as it lets go of terrorisers seamoth and was switching to delirious seamoth. The creature switch to delirious vehicle as its now chasing him which is bad for delirious now.

Terroriser: guys follow him

Vanoss: ok lets go

They all were following the creature chasing delirious to help him. As the creature was chasing delirious the group were on the side of it trying to get its attention. One of them was trying to scan it when vanoss saw that.

Vanoss: hay what are you doing

Basically: scanning it

Vanoss: at a time like this

Basically: we need information about it

Vanoss: oh fuck fine

Basically continues scanning the creature with caution as the others were now bumping the creature.

Basically managed to scan the creature as it gets his information. That is until the creature turned around.

Wildcat: why is it turns

Nogla: who is he going after

Before they can continue they heard there pda go off. It was delirious calling them.


Wildcat: what

Wildcat looks in front to see that there was another one chasing delirious.

Wildcat: oh fuck

Wildcat dodge delirious and the other creature which he was now being chase by it. Basically on the other hand has got his info about it.

Basically: guys got my info about it


Basically open his pda info documents and found the creature.

Basically open his pda info documents and found the creature

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