the explainig

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The team were waiting for basically and delirious to come back so that they can finish up the base. the base was almost done just need one thing before its operational. Eventually they saw a light from the distance and they all saw the two coming back. Basically was in the seamoth while delirious was holding on. By the time they were near the base the two swam to the base except for delirious who was swimming to one of the cyclops.

Vanoss: hay marcel what's going on

Basically: oh huh del needs some rest for an hour

Wildcat: why what happened

Basically: lets just say we encounter a leviathan

They all were shocked as to what basically said.

Wildcat: hold on did you say a leviathan

Basically: ya a leviathan but its not a reaper

Vanoss: what a different one

Basically: ya

Wildcat: what was it

Basically: a ghost leviathan del said

Wildcat: what did it look like

Basically: del will tell you but for now we need to keep are eyes out

Vanoss: ok

Basically: so is it almost done

Vanoss: ya almost done we just need to install this

Vanoss open his bag and pulled out some device with a nuclear logo on it.

Basically: whoa is that what i think it is

Vanoss: yup a nuclear rod

Basically: how the hell did you learn to make it

Vanoss: when me and tyler learn the nuclear reactor we learn the rod automatically from the pda

Basically: oh right

Wildcat: well anyway lets start the base up

Vanoss: alright then

with that the three went inside the base and vanoss installed the rod in the nuclear reactor. their new base was powering up and is ready to be in use. one thing they need was a communication relay. the reason is to communicate with the others to see what is going on back at earth. nogla manage to make it in the main room because he had the need rescources. with it build vanoss and wildcat called the others exept for delirious do to how tired he is. they all gatherd in the base.

vanoss: ok so this what going to happen first we are going to contact are friends back on earth

basically: ok and what else

vanoss: then we are going to see if we are going to call that one survivor

wildcat: aren't we not close enough to him

vanoss: well we can still try

nogla: what about the leviathan out there

basically: oh that leviathan we encounter is far away so don't worry about it

nogla: are you sure

basically: im sure

nogla: ok

vanoss: anyways lets start calling are friends

wildcat: ok then

wildcat walk up to the communication relay and turn it on. vanoss then use his pda to call moo snuckle and to see whats going on.

Team 6 of 4546B ( subnautica x vanoss crew )Where stories live. Discover now